Please pray for Miss Owens' grandfather: Lorin Johnson.
He is in the hospital on a ventilator, and his health is failing.
May God hold him close, along with the Owens family.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
July 15 Weekly News
will gather this evening at 5:30 PM at Bob Evans for supper and then return to
the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.
this coming fall are reminded to submit their application form for the Ladies
Aid scholarship to the church office by TODAY. These forms were mailed out in early June.
PICNIC: Everyone is invited to our 3rd
annual church picnic to be held on Sunday, August 5, after worship. Bring your most comfortable lawn chair and
come out and enjoy lunch and fun activities with your church family! We would again like to display quilts,
antiques, collectibles, St. John's memoriabilia, hobbies, tractors, trucks,
cars, etc., so gather your things together and bring them out that day! Any canopies to use for shade would be appreciated! A hot dog lunch will be served, along with
popsicles and pie and ice cream during the afternoon. Pie donations are needed - please contact
Becky if you would be willing to bake a pie (no contest this year - just to be
enjoyed!) Also, lots of fun
activities! Watch the weekly bulletin
for more details...
will be held on Sunday afternoon, July 29, from 2:00-6:00 PM at the Bartholomew
County Fairgrounds Community Building, with all proceeds going to Derek &
Kristie Wessel. Dessert donations are
being sought. If you would be able to
donate a dessert, please
contact Tracey
Engelau (812-498-4025), Shelly Burns (812-374-8240), or Jenni Acton
CELEBRATION OF three years of seizure-freedom for Aggie
Cook, Weak and Loved: A Mother-Daughter Love Story by Emily Cook will be
free for your kindle on Amazon July 15-19.
(You do not have to own a kindle to read the digital version.) See Emily's blog, for
more details.
Sam Setty, son of Richelle Bushur, attends Lutheran High School in Indianapolis
and will leave on July 22 to participate in a mission trip to New Orleans to
help rebuild homes that are still uninhabitable after hurricane Katrina. If you would like to make a donation to Sam
to help cover his expenses, please make a check payable to him and mail it to
130 Pine St., Indianapolis, IN 46227.
Matt & Amanda Hunter on the birth of their son, LIAM MICHAEL, this past
Wednesday. Liam arrived weighing 7 lbs.
11 ozs. and measuring 19 1/2 inches.
God's blessings to all of you!
to everyone for the prayers and cards extended to me during my recent cataract
surgery. Your kindness is much
appreciated!" - Marguerite Meyer
$30 and $83 have been deposited to the church and school accounts,
respectively, on behalf of the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans' Thrivent
Choice (R) program. Members who directed
their dollars for this include: Mildred Behrman, Brian Purdue, Ken Bode, Philip
Burbrink, Jack Dunn, Mike Mensendiek, Greg Meyer, Kathy Sanders, and Joan
LWML MISSION MOMENTS: 154 delegates awarded $120,000 in mission
grants at the LWML convention in June. Orphan Grain Train received $12,000 – Most
of us are familiar with the work of the Orphan Grain Train. This grant money will be used to purchase a
truck to enable this humanitarian project to continue reaching people with
donations of all kinds.
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