WELCOME TO ALL as we come together today to celebrate and give thanks to God for His many blessings and continued faithfulness to us here at White Creek on this, our 175th Anniversary! A special welcome and thanks to Pastor Loren Boettcher for delivering today's message and the Men's Chorus for providing special music.
TODAY'S EVENTS: We will have the table prayer for the meal before we are dismissed after today's worship. There will be a balloon release immediately after the service, followed by the meal. If you would like to sit with family/friends for the meal, please get with them before you get in the food line, as seating will be filled from the back to the front of the gym. A video of the 1990 pageant will be shown throughout the afternoon.
MANY THANKS TO all who helped with last weekend’s Smorgasbord/Bazaar and to St. John’s Foundation for sponsoring today’s meal.
THIS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, will be Pastor Cook's last worship service with us as he and his family move to Michigan next weekend. We pray for God's blessings to Pastor and his family as they begin this new ministry.
OUR QUARTERLY VOTERS' MEETING will be held next Sunday evening, October 4, at 7:00 PM. All confirmed members of our congregation, 18 years and older, are encouraged to attend.
OCTOBER CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after today's worship.
PORTALS OF PRAYER devotional booklets for October-December are available in the narthex. Large print are also available.
SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS are needed! If you would like to help with this part of our church ministry, please contact Katie Otte at 812-341-5333.
A COMMITTEE IS BEING FORMED to discuss options for school funding. A number of those who attended the funding workshop have already expressed interest. If anyone else from the congregation would like to participate, please contact Jan Buss.
HARRIETT MEYER is staying at Silver Oaks Healthcare Center for rehabilitation following her surgery for a broken wrist. Cards of greeting and encouragement may be sent to her at Silver Oaks Healthcare Center, 2011 Chapa Dr. - Room 205, Columbus, IN 47203.
EYEGLASSES NEEDED: MOST Ministries will be taking a Mission Trip to Nicaragua next June. The people there have a great need for eyeglasses - adult, children, non-prescription sunglasses, and over-the-counter reading glasses. While there, the teams will not only see that the glasses you donate are given to needy people, but they will also provide local missionaries the opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus with the people while they are being fitted for their glasses. Glasses cases would also be appreciated. Jean Voelker has put a box in the narthex for this collection and will see that the glasses get to someone going on this trip. Your donations will bring sight!
TEXAS ROADHOUSE ROLLS: Trinity High School English trip students have teamed up with Texas Roadhouse to raise a little “dough” to help fund their upcoming trip to England. They are selling rolls for $4/dozen and butter for $2/container. Please contact Dylan Maschino at 812-344-5680 or by email at mary.maschino@yahoo.com to order. Payments may be given to Becky in the church office. Deadline date to place an order is Tuesday, October 13.
CONTACT Katie Otte (812-341-5333) or Lakeview Ministries (812-342-4815) to purchase tickets for Camp Lakeview's 11th Annual Dinner Auction, "ROUTE 66," which will be held Saturday, November 21, at the Clarion Hotel Crystal Ballroom in Columbus. Tickets are $60/person or $500/table if purchased before this Thursday, October 1. All proceeds benefit God's work being done at Lakeview Ministries.
THE PREGNANCY CARE CENTER will be offering a Ministry Orientation Night for anyone interested in volunteering within the PCC ministry. This training will begin on Monday, October 19, from 6:00-9:00 PM when staff will present the history and vision of the PCC, an overview of each area of ministry to become involved with, and a section on post-modern thinking and how the culture affects who the PCC ministers to. A light snack will be provided. Training will then continue November 2-6 from 8:30 AM-Noon at Memorial Baptist Church, 2320 7th Street in Columbus. For more information, please contact Jane Littmann at 1-866-510-5067 or JaneL@affirminglifeonline.org.