Tuesday, January 2, 2018

December 31 Weekly News

POINSETTIAS:  Please remove your flower after this Wednesday evening’s service.  If you ordered a poinsettia through Karen, be sure to take a flower wrapped in gold foil.

THE JANUARY CALENDAR AND NEWS is available in the narthex.

ELDERS will meet Wednesday evening after worship (8:00).

CHURCH COUNCIL will meet Thursday, January 4, at 7:00 p.m.  All council members are urged to attend as the agenda for the annual meeting will be discussed.

YOUTH will meet next Sunday at 7:00 p.m.

2018 OFFERING ENVELOPES are available in the narthex.  If you have not yet picked yours up, please do so this evening.

POSITION AVAILABLE:  The school board at St John’s White Creek Lutheran School is accepting applications for the position of Principal.  The position is full-time and will involve working with students from grades K-8. The position requires the candidate to have a Master’s Degree and Administrative Licensing. The individual may have teaching duties in addition to administration responsibilities. We are seeking someone caring and diligent about the Christian education of our children, so a Lutheran background and Synodical training is preferred.  Please send your resume to the school office by January 11, 2018.

STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK:   Luke 2:39              
“And when they had performed everything according to the Law of the Lord…”  The Law of God is good.  Of course, it always shows us our sins:  but that is good, too!  We need to be driven back to the forgiveness of Christ.  But the Law also shows us the truly blessed way to live – as Mary and Joseph found their joy in a godly life, so should we see the Law as a guide for Christian living, as the roadmap for saying thank you to the Lord for all His grace and mercy to us.