Monday, May 4, 2015

May 3 Weekly News

TODAY'S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given by Virginia and Margaret Luckey and Kathy & Mike Sanders in loving memory of Paul Luckey who would have turned 90 years old yesterday.


THE CHURCH FOUNDATION will meet briefly after church today.  Members are asked to please remain in church.


THE ALL-CHURCH MEMBER PICTURE will be taken today, after church.  All members are encouraged to be a part of this picture!


175TH ANNIVERSARY T-SHIRTS are on display in the narthex, and order forms are on the table beside the display.  The deadline for turning in the order forms with payment is TODAY.  They may be given to any anniversary committee member or put on Becky's desk in the church office. Shirts will be available for pick-up on Sunday, May 17.


YOUTH GROUPS will meet this evening at 7:00 PM.


THE BOARD OF EDUCATION will meet this Wednesday evening at 5:30 PM.


CONGREGATIONAL HISTORY:  Brick kilns were built in the fields not far from the new church site.  Most of the bricks were made and fired in sight of the church on the Henry Wohrman and Fred Dorfmeier farms.  Great timbers were hewn from the surrounding forests.  Most of the lumber, as well as most of the labor, was donated by members.


LOOKING FOR CONFIRMATION PICTURES:  The following Confirmation class pictures are still needed: 2000, 2001, 1971, 1972, 1976, (professional pictures best) 1968, 1951, 1958, 1940, 1945, 1947, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1937, 1938, 1920, 1921, 1923, and all years prior to 1920 except 1918 and 1919.  The original picture is needed to make a good copy.  If you prefer not to leave your picture(s), please contact Becky in the office to set up a time for Janeen Blomenberg to scan your original picture so you can take it home again.


175TH ANNIVERSARY PLATES are expected to arrive sometime this week.  Anyone who would still like to order a plate may do so by contacting Kyra Bode at 812-390-7571 or  Cost is $20/plate.  They will also be for sale after church in the front school hall.


AS PART OF our 175th anniversary celebration, we will have Reunion Sunday on June 28.  If you know of any former confirmands, teachers, or pastors who no longer attend St. John's, please invite them to this service.  After worship, there will be light refreshments, and the confirmation class photos that we have collected will be displayed.


AN ALUMINUM CAN DRIVE will be held next weekend, Friday-Sunday.  A trailer will be parked on the church/school grounds to receive items.  This drive is sponsored by our school's parent organization, the WCA.


PHIL'S FRIENDS WALK:  The 3rd Annual Phil's Friends Walk is scheduled for Sunday, May 17, at 1:00 PM here at White Creek.  This year's Walk is dedicated in memory of Kristie Wessel.  If you would like to walk or donate, you may go to or walker forms are available in the narthex.  A care package drive collecting Christian CDs will also be taking place from now  until the day of the Walk.  A table and box for CDs will be in the narthex.  For questions, contact Janet Morey at 812-350-6238.


THE TLHS ART CLUB will be hosting Art In the Afternoon on Sunday, May 17, beginning at 3 PM with a "Paint Your Own Canvas" project led by art teacher, Carrie Adler and assisted by Art Club members.  Cost to participate in the canvas painting is $25.  Please RSVP to the school office (812-524-8547) by Friday, May 8, to reserve a spot.  Following the canvas painting (approx. 5 PM), a soup dinner will be held ($5/person),-no reservation needed.  During this event, persons may view and bid on some remarkable refinished furniture in this first-ever FurnARTure Auction.  Students have refinished donated furniture pieces, and those items will be up for sale in a silent auction.  The bidding will start in the afternoon and will close at 6 PM.


THE CONGREGATION has been invited by Messiah Lutheran Church, Weldon Spring, Missouri, to a dinner and celebration honoring Pastor Donald Matzat and his 50 years in the ministry on Sunday, May 24, at 6 PM at the Old Hickory Golf Club.  Persons who would like to attend are asked to respond by May 15 to Shonna Owen at 636-926-9773 or  Greetings may be sent to Pastor Matzat at Messiah Lutheran Church, 5911 South Highway 94, Weldon Spring, MO  63304.  Cost for the dinner is $20/person.