TODAY WE REJOICE WITH Travis & Cara Eckelman as they
bring their daughter, MORGAN LEE ECKELMAN, to be baptized. Morgan's sponsors are her uncles, Clinton
Bullock and Mark Meyer. God's blessings
to you, Morgan!
Plan for Giving worksheet are available in the narthex if you have not yet
received one. Please prayerfully
consider how you can be of service here in our congregation and financially
help further the work of God's Kingdom here at St. John's. You may return your completed Time &
Talent Surveys to the container provided in the narthex or give them to Becky
in the church office. We would like to
have all surveys in by the end of November.
CHURCH DIRECTORY: Hosts are needed to help sign in
people when pictures are taken for the church directory. If you would be able to help with this,
please contact Beth Burbrink (812-343-2856).
you have recently changed phone numbers or given up your home phone and are
just using a cell phone, please give that information to Becky so records can
be updated for our upcoming church directory.
Sunday's bulletin need to be given to Becky by TOMORROW. The church office will be closed Thursday and
Friday in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.
will begin this Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM.
Non-perishable food items will be received to be taken to the local food
BUILDING FUND UPDATE: Pledge donations for our Arise and Build building program now total $331,090. All praise to God!
"TO THE MEMBERS OF ST. JOHN'S: After prayerful
consideration, I am pleased to accept the call as teacher to White Creek
Lutheran School. It has been my joy to
have taught here for the last fifteen years.
Now, after completing my religious studies, I look forward to continue
to teach at White Creek Lutheran School as a called teacher. My prayer is that God would continue to bless
my work at White Creek and that my position would be used to glorify Him. God's blessings," - Michelle
Barnett (Mrs. Barnett will be installed
during the worship service on Sunday, December 14.)
"MANY THANKS TO Pastor Cook and my
church family for all the words of comfort given to me at the passing of my
brother, Tom Gay. I am truly
blessed!" - Jean Meyer
"SINCERE THANKS TO the 6th grade class
of White Creek Lutheran School for their visit to the Lutheran Home this past
Tuesday. We certainly enjoyed the
singing, visiting, and craft project they did with us and the other
residents! We were blessed by their
visit!" - Tillie Bode and Don & Wilma Voelker
TILLIE BODE has moved into the assisted living section
of LCH. Her address is 1503 S. Walnut
St., Apt. 501, Seymour, IN 47274.
BAKE SALE: As part
of her Senior project, Libby Hatton will be sponsoring a Bake Sale next Sunday
after worship to raise funds to provide meals at the Love Chapel on December 17
for those in need. Check in the front
hall of the school for some delicious goodies next Sunday!
The 12th Annual Trinity Lutheran Winter Wonderland Art & Craft
Festival will be held next Saturday, November 29, from 9:00 AM-2:00 PM. Baked goods and lunch will be provided by the
Junior Class. All booths are filled so
there will be a good variety of items available. The Lutheran Community Home will be giving
$15 flu shots in the gymnasium's foyer at this event. Everyone invited!
ST. PETER, WAYMANSVILLE, will host their Living Nativity on Friday, December 5,
from 6:00-8:30 PM. King James, the
camel, will be making a return appearance along with many of his animal
friends. Free cookies, cocoa and coffee
will be served in the Parish Hall.
Everyone invited.
sponsored by the Trinity boys' basketball team, will be held before the
game with Salem on Saturday, December 6, from 5:00-6:30 PM in the school
cafeteria. Tickets may be purchased from
any team member or at the dinner. The
tickets are $5 each and include a taco salad or two hot dogs, dessert, and a
PRINCE OF PEACE Lutheran Church, Martinsville, will
host its second annual Bethlehem Walk on Friday, December 12, from 7:00-10:00
PM. Tickets are free and will be issued
in 20 minute increments. Call the church
at 1-765-342-2004 or email at to reserve tickets.