Monday, November 19, 2018

November 18 Weekly News

OUR THANKSGIVING WORSHIP will be held at 7pm this Wednesday, Thanksgiving Eve.  We will be collecting donations of non-perishable food for the local food pantry.  Those items may be brought to the narthex, now through Thanksgiving Eve.  After Thanksgiving Eve, please do not leave your donations in the narthex.

SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will meet at 5:00pm this evening for supper and then return to the Fellowship Room for socializing.

YOUTH GROUPS will meet this evening at 7:00pm.

LADIES AID will meet for their Christmas luncheon Thursday, November 29, at 11:00am at Willow Leaves in Hope.  Please RSVP to Joyce Meyer (812-342-6020) by Monday, November 26.

A SERVICE OF CAROLS AND READINGS will be held for our 4:30pm Christmas Eve worship.  Anyone who would like to join the choir to sing at this special service is invited to participate. Practices will held 5:00-6:15pm on Wednesday, November 28, and before the Midweek Advent Worships, December 5, 12, 19.  Call/text Lori Hill (812-350-1474) if you would like to participate.

TOY DRIVE:  White Creek Lutheran School is collecting new or gently used toys (it is requested that individuals not spend over $20) now through this Tuesday, November 20, to help the Columbus Firemen’s Cheer Fund bring joy to the kids of Columbus. Toys may be dropped off in the collection box by the front door in the school hall. 

A NEW CHRISTMAS TRADITION is coming to St. John’s, White Creek, next Sunday, November 25!  You will want to be a part of it….  “The King will reply, ‘Truly I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least of these my brothers, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:40

A SOUP DINNER & EUCHRE PARTY is being held next Sunday, November 25, by our Youth who plan to attend the National Youth Gathering next summer.  This event will be held in our school cafeteria/gym,   with serving beginning at 5:30pm ($5/person), and euchre at 6:15pm ($5/person).  Everyone is invited – all proceeds will go to help with trip expenses.

“MANY THANKS TO everyone for their prayers, cards, and kind words for me as I recover from a fall.  Praise be to God for His healing hand!” – Marguerite Meyer

THE ARTS & CRAFTS FESTIVAL will be held next Saturday, November 24, from 9:00am-2:00pm at Trinity Lutheran High School.  All are invited.

TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL invites students and their families to an open house on Tuesday, November 27th from 4:00 to 6:00 P.M. All interested eighth grade students will receive a $75 voucher that covers registration costs at Trinity for the 2019-2020 school year. Please enter through the commons. We hope to see you there!

LADIES TEA: The Redeemer Evangelism Board invites the ladies of our congregation to their program, “Carols,” on Saturday, December 1, from 3:30-5:30pm.  Tickets are $15/person or a full table (8) for $130.  Tickets will be $16/person at the door.  Contact the Redeemer office (812-522-1837) for tickets and more information.  All proceeds will go to Heart 4 Haiti, 4 Kenya Kids, and Crosslife Ministries.  Come and enjoy a delicious meal and listen to a very important program.  There will also be a raffle for a handmade quilt.
“For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.”  Our Lord Jesus has provided the one offering for sin.  What we offer to the Lord is not a sacrifice for sin; we cannot buy our way into heaven with our money, works, or effort.  Rather, what we give to the Lord’s work in the Church is a thank offering, a sign of our dependency on God and all He has given us.
                                        TBLESSINGS ON YOUR WEEK! T