Friday, March 30, 2012
Prayers for Richard Noblitt
He has just been rushed to the hospital- they think he is having a stroke.
I will update when I know more!
Monday, March 26, 2012
Kristie Wessel

We just heard from Kristie.
They were able to get good samples of the spot in her stomach.
Preliminary pathology indicates that THREE lymph nodes in her stomach are malignant.
Please keep the family in your prayers. They must be exhausted, discouraged, and weary...
May God uphold Kristie and all who love her, providing daily bread for daily trials.
March 25 Weekly News
LENT CONTINUES with midweek worship Wednesday at 7 PM. The Youth will be serving a spaghetti supper before worship, beginning at 5:45 PM.
PORTALS OF PRAYER devotions for April – June are available in the narthex if you did not receive one last Sunday.
APRIL CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after today’s worship.
PERSONS WHO would like to put spring flowers on the altar or in the narthex for Easter are asked to contact Karen Schlehuser (342-6140) TODAY. Flowers may be purchased individually or through Karen.
INSTEAD OF candy donations, our Sunday School is seeking monetary donations to help purchase devotion books for the Sunday School children for Easter. Donations may be given to Lori Hill, Tammy Claycamp, or Becky in the church office BY NEXT SUNDAY.
LADIES AID MEMBERS are reminded of their meeting this Wednesday, with the workday beginning at 9 AM, followed by Bible study and the meeting at 11 AM.
“MANY THANKS TO everyone for the prayers and kind thoughts while Nathanael was in the hospital. They were very comforting and appreciated!” – The Riley Family
CONGRATULATIONS TO Meghan Bartells on the birth of her son, Braxton Stephen Marcoux. Braxton arrived weighing 7 lbs. and measuring 19 inches. He was about 5 weeks premature, so will be in the hospital until he is able to eat a little better and gain a little more weight. God’s blessings to them!
CONGRATULATIONS TO Darren & Laura Otte on the birth of their daughter, Charlotte Opal, this past Monday. Charlotte arrived weighing 6 lbs. 1 oz. and measuring 19 inches. Everyone is doing fine – God’s blessings to them!
REDS/CUBS BASEBALL GAME: A sign-up sheet for tickets to the Reds/Cubs baseball game on August 19 has been posted on the bulletin board in the front hall of school. Questions??? Contact Michelle Barnett (342-3780).