MANY THANKS TO Pastor Marcus Jauss for delivering the sermon today, and a big welcome to all who are visiting with us today and joining in this special time of worship, fellowship, and celebration!
TODAY’S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given by the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of Joan Schlehuser in thanksgiving and celebration of her 80th birthday today. God’s continued blessings to you, Joan!
PORTALS OF PRAYER devotional booklets for July-September are available in the narthex. Large print editions are also available.
JULY CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after today’s worship.
EVERYONE IS INVITED to the gym after worship today for our Reunion Sunday celebration. There will be a slideshow of the confirmation pictures that have been gathered, and copies of the confirmation book will be available for viewing. Pictures will be taken of each class, and light refreshments will be served. Please join us for this fellowship time.
CONGREGATIONAL HISTORY: In February of 1887, Rev. Gottfried Markworth accepted the call to White Creek. Under his leadership, the church continued to flourish spiritually. To a great extent, Rev. Markworth followed the same basic principles of church administration as set forth by Pastor Juengel. Church discipline was diligently practiced. Those in arrears with the payment of their church obligations were called before the Voters’ Assembly to give an account. Resolutions were passed urging all members to live up to certain Scriptural precepts and principles. They were asked to attend the preparatory services even though they did not wish to commune.
HISTORICAL INFORMATION about some of our members and the workings of our congregation has been gathered and is available for persons to look through. Check the new shelf in the conference room (room behind Becky's desk). Persons are asked to please browse through the information in the conference room. Many thanks to Jean Meyer and Karen Schlehuser for organizing this.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS for our 175th Anniversary Old Fashion Mission Festival to be held on Sunday, July 26, immediately after the worship service. Everyone is invited to come join in the fun, food, games, prizes for all ages! There will also be antique displays. Sign-up sheets are available in the narthex today for persons to volunteer to help and/or donate food. Questions??? Check with Ken & Kyra Bode.
OUR QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING will be held after worship next Sunday, July 5, in the gym. Updates will be given by the various officers and board members. All confirmed members of our congregation, 18 years and older, are encouraged to attend.
QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER ITEMS need to be given to Becky by this Thursday.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL is being planned for Saturday, August 29, from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Leaders and helpers are needed for the various activities. A sign-up sheet is available in the narthex, or persons may contact Katie Otte, coordinator, at 812-341-5333. Watch future bulletins for registration information.
STUDENTS ATTENDING Trinity Lutheran High School this coming school year have been mailed a Ladies Aid scholarship application to help with tuition. All applications need to be returned to our church office by Wednesday, July 15.
THE ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN, Indiana Branch, is collecting clothing from birth to age 5 that can be sent from our new warehouse in Jonesville on the first overseas shipment to orphanages in Latvia. These clothes can be brought to the open house on July 26 (after our Old Fashion Mission Festival) or collected and brought to a central collection site (call 712-369-1165 for details of places).
OFFERING INFORMATION: The loose change plate offering goes into our Synodical Fund to help with various missions of the Indiana District and LCMS. Offering envelopes and checks go into our General Fund to help with our congregation’s expenses. In the near future, electronic payments will be accepted - watch for more information about this.
THE WORDS OF OUR FIRST HYMN TODAY were written by Stephen P. Starke, an administrator at Concordia Publishing, especially for our 175th anniversary. A special fund has been set up for contributions to Mr. Starke in thanksgiving for writing these verses. Gifts for this may be written to our church with “hymn fund” on the memo line. Lord willing, this hymn will be included in the next new hymnal.
CONGRATULATIONS TO Logan & Emila Fowler on the birth of their son, DESMOND LEE FOWLER, on Friday, June 19. Desmond arrived weighing 9 lbs. 10 ozs. and measuring 22 ins. Everyone is doing fine - God’s blessings to them!
THE CHURCH OFFICE HOURS are flexible during the summer break, through July 17. If you need to come to the office, please call before you make the trip to make sure someone is in.