will gather next Sunday evening at 5:30 PM for supper and then return to the
Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.
this coming fall are reminded to submit their application form for the Ladies
Aid scholarship to the church office by next Sunday, July 15. These forms were mailed out in early June.
to all for the prayers, cards, and visits to me as I continue my therapy at
Silver Oaks. Your support and
encouragement are truly blessings to me!” – Bob Sims
PICNIC: Everyone is invited to our 3rd
annual church picnic to be held on Sunday, August 5, after worship. Bring your most comfortable lawn chair and come
out and enjoy lunch and fun activities with your church family!
will be held on Sunday afternoon, July 29, from 2:00-6:00 PM at the Bartholomew
County Fairgrounds Community Building, with all proceeds going to Derek &
Kristie Wessel. Dessert donations are
being sought. If you would be able to
donate a dessert, please contact Tracey Engelau (812-498-4025), Shelly Burns
(812-374-8240), or Jenni Acton (812-343-8988).
LWML MISSION MOMENTS: 154 delegates awarded $120,000 in mission
grants at the LWML convention in June.
Lutheran Military Veterans and Families Ministries received $12,000.
Hundreds of thousands of veterans and their families from wars both past and
most recent are struggling with spiritual questions, mental, emotional and
physical health issues. The rate of
suicide, substance abuse, domestic violence and child abuse has increased among
veterans and their families. The LMVFM offers specialized ministry to
meet these unique needs of military veterans and their families through the
love of Jesus. Government agencies
charged with providing care to veterans and their families are restricted from
treating or addressing the spiritual wounds of war. The care and services offered to veterans and
their families cover only those who meet a set of restrictive guidelines, thus
leaving a large number of veterans without any care, services or benefits. LMVFM
assists all who have served our country by offering Christ’s care and
assistance to those who have not only suffered physical, emotional, physical
and relational wounds, but the spiritual wounds which separate man from God. LMVFM
seeks to support, educate, and equip clergy, Stephen ministers, congregations
and counselors with knowledge and tools they will need to effectively work with
veterans and their families, thus enabling them to demonstrate Christ’s love
and show His compassion to those who have bravely served their country.
LCH “NEEDS YOU” for our Lutheran
Community Home quarterly “DINING ROOM BONUS BUCK SALE”, on Friday, July 13 @
2:00pm. This is like a big yard sale
for our residents to buy things with their “Bonus Bucks”. Bonus Bucks are earned by attending group
activities. We are reaching out to our
churches to help with our sale Items needed:
baked goods, cookies and other snacks, candy (regular or sugar free) or
anything you would like to donate for the sale. (shampoo, lotion-tissues,
knick-knacks, jewelry, clothing, etc)
Please bring your donations to the Activity Room any time between now
and the morning of the sale. Contact the
Activity Department if you need more details!
Susie Grelle, 812-522-5927, ext. 136.