Monday, December 10, 2012

December 9 Weekly News

CHRISTMAS EVE PRE-SERVICE MUSIC:  If you would like to participate in the pre-service Christmas Eve, either singing or playing a musical instrument, please sign up TODAY on the sheet posted on the bulletin board in the front hall of school .


OUR SECOND MIDWEEK ADVENT WORSHIP will be held this Wednesday evening at 7 PM.  Our Youth will be serving a taco bar supper before worship, beginning at 5:45 PM.


WORSHIP SCHEDULE:  At last Sunday's Voters' Meeting, the voters voted to keep our worship time at 9:00 AM with Sunday School and Bible Class following at 10:15 AM.


TODAY Mrs. Barnett will be recognized for 15 years of service and Mrs. Clow for 35 years of teaching at the close of the worship service.  Dr. Jon Mielke from the Indiana District office will be making the presentations.  Please be seated after the last hymn.  Sunday School staff and children are asked to also remain seated.


PORTALS OF PRAYER devotional books for January-March will be available after worship today.  Large print copies are also available.


COOKIE SALE:  The Ladies Aid and Guild are holding their annual Cookie Sale TODAY in the front hall of school.  Come and purchase some delicious goodies!  Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will be providing matching funds.


CARD DELIVERY:  Our Youth will again be delivering Christmas cards locally for 25 cents/card.  The container is in the narthex for card drop-off.  Cards will be delivered next Sunday, December 16.


CHRISTMAS CANDY TREATS:  As has been our tradition for many years, children receive a candy treat on Christmas Eve.  Many thanks to Clara Claycamp for organizing the purchase and assembling of these treats.  Persons who would like to donate to this may give their donation to the Elder or any of the ushers.


POINSETTIAS:  Persons who would like to place a poinsettia on the Altar/in the narthex for Christmas are asked to contact Karen Schlehuser (342-6140) as soon as possible.  Persons may purchase their own flower or order through Karen.


THE 2013 LUTHERAN ANNUAL may be ordered through the church office.  Cost is $20.69.  Please contact Becky by next Sunday, December 16, to order.  Checks may be made payable to our church.


THE JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH will meet at 6:00 PM next Sunday, December 16, to make cards for Phil's Friends.


THE LADIES AID Christmas Party will be held on Wednesday, December 19, at the Elk's Lodge in Columbus.  Reservations are to be made by this Wednesday, December 12, to Jane Hoffman (342-4279) or Betty McCrory (342-3580).  Members are reminded to bring their Prayer Pal card and their Little Red Stocking.


"MANY THANKS to all for the prayers, cards, and funeral home visits at the passing of Hulda Eckelman.  A special thanks to Pastor Cook for his many nursing home visits and to those who donated to and helped with the funeral lunch.  Our beloved mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother was certainly blessed with many caring friends!" - The Eckelman Family


CHRISTMAS CONCERT:  Everyone is invited to the annual St. Paul, Clifty, Christmas Concert by the Indianapolis Voice and Orchestra next Sunday, December 16, at 7 PM.  Directed by Dr. Charles Goehring, the organist/accompanist will be Charles Manning. M.M.  This professional choral/orchestra ensemble will include in their wonderful program a harp solo, a piano/organ duet, an organ solo, and congregational Christmas carol singing.  A reception will follow the concert.  This is a free event.