Monday, December 14, 2015

December 13 Weekly News

PRACTICE FOR THE Children’s Christmas Eve program continues during the Sunday School opening time.  Please make every effort to attend these practices.


PORTALS OF PRAYER devotional booklets for January – March will be available from the ushers after today’s worship.  Large print are also available.


2016 OFFERING ENVELOPES are available in the narthex.  Please pick up yours and any family members today.


MIDWEEK ADVENT SERVICES continue this Wednesday at 7:00 PM.  Pastor Jung will be preaching on “The Message Protected.”  The Senior High Youth will be serving a fried chicken supper before the service, beginning at 5:45 PM.


CHRISTMAS CAROLING: Share your Christmas joy by joining in the Christmas caroling this afternoon.  Meet in the Fellowship Room at 3:00 PM.  After caroling, singers will return to the Fellowship Room for soup and cookies.   All ages are welcome to come!


CHRISTMAS EVE PRE-SERVICE MUSIC:  If you would like to participate in the pre-service music Christmas Eve (6:00-6:30 PM), please contact Lori Hill (812-350-1474) today.


CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS:  Persons who would like to place poinsettias on the Altar for the Christmas season are asked to contact Karen Schlehuser (812-342-6140) today.  Flowers may be purchased individually or ordered through Karen.


CHRISTMAS CARD DELIVERY:  The Youth will be delivering Christmas cards locally (25cents/card) next Sunday, December 20.  A drop-off box is in the narthex.


CHRISTMAS EVE TREATS:  Donations for the children's Christmas Eve candy treats may be given to Joan Otte or the ushers or elder on duty by next Sunday, December 20.


CHURCH PROFILE SURVEY:  To begin the call process for a new pastor, the Indiana District has requested that we complete a congregational profile.  One part of this profile includes a self-study survey.  We ask that all communicant members please fill out this survey by following the link:  If you do not have web access, there are also paper copies of the survey that are available from the Elders.  Please complete the surveys by January 17.  Paper copies may be turned in at the office or given to any of the Elders.


TRINITY DUES:  If you have not yet paid your Trinity dues ($16/confirmed member), please do so as soon as possible.  A special envelope is provided in your offering box.


A SCHOOL FUNDING MEETING will be held this Tuesday evening, December 15,  at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Room.  If congregation members have questions concerning the work being done by the school funding committee, please do not hesitate to contact Phil Burbrink or Janeen Blomenberg.  Committee members are reminded to bring their responses to the questions from the last meeting.


THE BOARD OF EDUCATION will meet this Wednesday evening, December 16, at 5:30 PM.


THE CHURCH COUNCIL will meet Tuesday evening, December 22, at 7:00 PM.  All members are encouraged to attend as business for the coming year will be discussed.


CHRISTMAS WEEK SERVICES:  Mark your calendars for these worship opportunities during the week of Christmas:  Sunday, 12/20-8:45 AM worship w/Holy Communion;  (NO Wednesday evening worship 12/23), Thursday, Christmas Eve, 12/24 – 4:30 PM worship (Pastor Keinath), 6:00 PM – Pre-service music, 6:30 PM – Children’s Christmas Eve Service (Lou Voelker, assisting); Friday, Christmas Day – 8:45 AM worship (Mark Buss leading a Christmas worship in scripture and song).


PERSONS INTERESTED IN submitting a bid for the church custodian job may do so to Doyce Eckelman by next Sunday, December 20.  A job description is available – see Becky in the church office.





ITEMS AVAILABLE:  The shed at the parsonage has a few items available for the taking:  our old manger scene, a few old school desks and chairs, and various other items.  If interested, please get by next Sunday, December 20.  After that date, what is left will be disposed of to make room in that shed for our current manger scene.


CHURCH HISTORY: At the October 1, 1944, Voters’ Meeting, “it was moved and properly supported that we hold a special service at our church when the war ends in Europe.  The service to be held the night the war ends if announced before 5:00 PM, otherwise the following night.”


FINANCIAL UPDATE:  The amount of $70,380.00 is needed by the end of the year to meet our budget for 2015.


175TH ANNIVERSARY ORNAMENTS are still available for purchase - $12.  Cookbooks are also available - $5.  See Becky in the church office if you would like to make a purchase.


DEPOSITS OF $637.00 (church), $50.00 (school) have been made to those accounts on behalf of Thrivent Financial’s Thrivent Choice program by the directed choice dollars of Barbara Lewis, Harriett Meyer, and Michele Rockhill.


ST. PAUL, CLIFTY, will be having their annual Christmas Concert next Sunday evening, December 20, at 7:00 PM.  Music will be presented by the Second Presbyterian Church Beecher Singers & Orchestra.  A harp recital will precede the concert, beginning at 6:40 PM.  Admission is free.


OGILVILLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH will be offering a free hot meal on the 2nd Saturday of every month at the church at 7891 West, 450 South, Columbus.  The doors will open at 11:00 AM, and the meal will be served from 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM.  Persons are welcome to come for a hot meal and take home a bag of food.  Please pass this information on to anyone you know who might be in need.  Questions???  Call the church office at 812-342-6907.


“THANK YOU to everyone who donated boots and offerings for the Warm Feet, Warm Hearts project benefitting the Wheeler Mission Ministries Training Facility in Bloomington.  Your partnership has been wonderful, and we give thanks in all our prayers for your support!  St. Peter, Waymansville, Sunday School and Youth Groups will continue this mission for the duration of the Sunday School year if anyone would still like to make a donation.” – Janice Acree, St. Peter


POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Zion Lutheran School, Seymour, is now hiring part-time Extend Care (Daycare) Assistants (20-25 hrs./week).  Resumes may be submitted to Zion Lutheran School, 1501 Gaiser Drive, Seymour, IN  47274.  For more information, call 812-522-5911.