Please also keep baby Nathanael Riley in your prayers (Son of Matt and Jenn Riley) He is in the hospital with pneumonia!
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Nathanael Riley |
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Nathanael Riley |
LENT CONTINUES with midweek worship Wednesday at 7 PM. The Lutheran Men’s Chorus will be singing during the service. Our school will be sponsoring a lasagna supper before worship, beginning at 5:45 PM, with all proceeds going to our school’s scholarship fund.
MARCH CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after today’s service.
TURKEY SUPPER: Lord of Life Lutheran Church, North Vernon, will be sponsoring their annual turkey supper next Saturday, March 3, from 4-7 PM. Take-out available. Everyone invited.
CAMP LAKEVIEW will be dedicating the new Main Lodge at Lakeview Villages to the glory of God during a worship service at 2:00 PM next Sunday, March 4. The guest speaker will be Pastor Daniel May, President of the LCMS Indiana District. Cake and refreshments will be served. Come out and see this wonderful new addition to the camp’s ministry! For directions or more information, visit the camp’s website at
TLHS VARIETY SHOW: As part of the celebration of National Lutheran Schools Week, Trinity Lutheran High School will be having a Variety Show on Friday, March 9, beginning at 7 PM in the high school gymnasium. The cost is $5 per person. The night will provide lots of laughter and entertainment for all ages! Everyone invited.
“THANKS TO EVERYONE for your prayers, cards, and goodies during my recovery after getting my pacemaker installed. I am now getting three shots in my leg. (Maybe I’ll feel like 21 again on the 29th of February!) God bless!” – Harriett Meyer
ADDRESS/PHONE NUMBER UPDATES: Please contact Becky in the church office if you have a new email address (or if you have not given her your old one) and/or a new phone number (or if you have given up your land line and now use a cell number). You may also note this on the attendance pad when you sign it.
POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Immanuel Lutheran Church in Seymour is seeking names of qualified persons for two positions that will become vacant at the end of May, 2012:
Director of Music: This individual is to have overall responsibility for the organ, choral, hand-bell and instrumental music programs at Immanuel Lutheran Church and Immanuel Lutheran School. The individual must be a rostered commissioned minister of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and have a valid teaching diploma.
Math Teacher: This individual will be a classroom teacher with math specialization at Immanuel Lutheran School. The individual must be a rostered commissioned minister of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod with a valid teaching diploma and math certification.
Names and contact information of nominees should be submitted by March 16, 2012, to Immanuel Lutheran Church, 605 South Walnut Street, Seymour, IN 47274 c/o Call Committee, or emailed to info@immanuelseymour,com.