Monday, January 20, 2014

January 19 Weekly News

PENNY COLLECTION:  The Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is being observed today. Please note today's bulletin insert.  We are receiving offerings for the Pregnancy Care Center to give thanks and praise to God for the many years He has given to us by giving a penny (or more) for each year of our life.  A basket is in the narthex to receive these offerings.


THE FOLLOWING newly elected officers will be installed during today's worship:  Chairman-Doyce Eckelman, General Fund Treasurer-Brian Hauersperger, Elder-Louis Voelker, Synodical Treasurer-Anna Condra, Third Trustee-Mike Ross, Bd. of Ed.-Jason Bode and Shelly Burns, Bd. of Evang.-Jeffrey Kyler and Lindsay Paluch, Bd. of Steward.-Lloyd Meyer, Ushers-Kevin Kidd, Mason Newkirk, and Tom Schroer, Trinity Bd.-Tina Wise.  Please keep all of our officers in your prayers as they carry out their responsibilities for our church congregation.


SENIOR LEAGUE will meet at Bob Evans Restaurant at 5:30 PM for supper this evening and then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.


YOUTH GROUPS will meet this evening at 7:00 PM.  The High School Youth Group will have its annual Winter Retreat next weekend, beginning Friday, January 24, at 7:00 PM at the Camp Lakeview Village Lodge.  The Retreat will end with worship at White Creek Sunday morning.  Any high school youth planning to attend should let the Vandercars know by this Thursday.


FEBRUARY CALENDAR AND NEWS ITEMS need to be given to Becky by tomorrow.


THE ST. JOHN'S FOUNDATION will meet in the church office this Wednesday evening, January 22, after the worship service (7:35 PM).


A SPECIAL OFFERING ENVELOPE is included with your offering envelopes to use when giving your Trinity dues.  Those dues are assessed at $16/communicant member and may be put into the Sunday morning offering plate.


PLEASE NOTE the bulletin insert today regarding the legislation on the definition of marriage which is being debated in the Indiana House and Senate.  A form letter is available in the church office to mail to your Senator or Representative.  Contact Becky for a copy.


"DUE TO AN error on my part, donations to the Scholarship Fund for James Rockhill and Jacob Hercamp were not recorded as to the individual's donations.  If you need a receipt for tax purposes, please contact me as soon as possible." - Mark Buss


THANKS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED from Trinity Lutheran High School for our church's donation of $695.00 from our Synodical Fund.


CONGRATULATIONS TO Mark & Richelle Bushur on the birth of their daughter, KAROLINE EMMA GRACE, born this past Tuesday.  Karoline arrived weighing 7 lbs. 6 ozs. and measuring 19 ins.  Everyone is doing fine - God's blessings to them!


ST. PETER, WAYMANSVILLE, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans are sponsoring a Soup Supper & Euchre Party on Sunday, January 26.  The supper begins at 5:30 PM for $5/person, with Euchre to begin at 6:30 PM for $5/person.  Proceeds will go to help Orphan Grain Train's move to a new location.  Everyone invited.


FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY will be offered at St. John's, White Creek, beginning Sunday, February 2, at 2:00 PM.  This class will run for 9 weeks with allowances for Spring Break.  This class will empower you with practical skills to beat debt and to build wealth.  You can take control of your money no matter how busy your schedule is.  Sign up by going online to


POSITION AVAILABLE: St. Peter Lutheran Church, Brownstown, is seeking candidates for teacher for its preschool for the 2014-2015 school year.  Interested persons should contact Mike Rittman  at 812-358-2550 by March 1.


ST. PAUL, CLIFTY, PRESCHOOL will begin its open enrollment for the 2014-2015 school year on Monday, January 27.  Brochures are available in the narthex or persons may call Henry Wischmeier, director, at 376-6504 for more information.