Monday, July 23, 2012

July 22 Weekly News

TODAY'S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given to the glory of God and in celebration of the 50th wedding anniversary of Lester & Shirley Enzinger TODAY by their children and grandchildren, Tim & Luanne Bryant, Rex. Kim, Erin and Samantha Enzinger, and Tom, Nancy, and Lance Kitterman.

THE BOARD OF EDUCATION will meet TODAY after worship.

AUGUST CALENDAR AND NEWS ITEMS need to be submitted to Becky by TOMORROW.

LADIES AID MEMBERS are reminded of their workday and meeting this Wednesday, beginning at 9 AM.  Mite boxes will be collected.

HELPERS ARE NEEDED this coming Saturday, July 28,for various cleaning and repair jobs that are needed to be done around the church grounds.  Please bring paintbrushes, paint cups, sandpaper, brooms, and shovels.  Work will begin around 8 AM.


CHURCH PICNIC:  Everyone is invited to our 3rd annual church picnic to be held on Sunday, August 5, after worship.  Bring your most comfortable lawn chair and come out and enjoy lunch and fun activities with your church family!  We would again like to display quilts, antiques, collectibles, St. John's memorabilia, hobbies, tractors, trucks, cars, etc., so gather your things together and bring them out that day!  Any canopies to use for shade would be appreciated!   A hot dog lunch will be served, along with popsicles and pie and ice cream during the afternoon.  Pie donations are needed - please contact Becky if you would be willing to bake a pie (no contest this year - just to be enjoyed!)  Also, lots of fun activities!  Watch the weekly bulletin for more details...

BIBLE STUDY:  Do you know why in the Lutheran Church we have two Sacraments, not seven as in the Roman Catholic Church or none, as in some Protestant Churches?  We shall discuss that as Pastor Brandt starts another Bible Study on Thursday, August 16, in the Fellowship Room, if God be willing.  Call Becky in the church office (342-3516) to enroll.

"THANKS TO my White Creek family for your prayers, cards, calls, visits, and acts of kindness during my surgery and recuperation.  I am truly blessed and appreciate your thoughtfulness." - Clara Claycamp

"MANY THANKS for the prayers, cards, and visits extended to me during my recent surgeries and hospitalization.  Thanks be to God for such caring friends!" - Jane Hoffman

"THANKS FOR the prayers, cards, and words of encouragement given for me as I recuperate from my heart attack.  I appreciate your caring support!" - Tim Hoene

A HOG ROAST/AUCTION will be held next Sunday afternoon, July 29, from 2:00-6:00 PM at the Bartholomew County Fairgrounds Community Building, with all proceeds going to Derek & Kristie Wessel.  Dessert donations are being sought.  If you would be able to donate a dessert, please contact Tracey Engelau (812-498-4025), Shelly Burns (812-374-8240), or Jenni Acton (812-343-8988).

LWML MISSION MOMENTS:  154 delegates awarded $120,000 in mission grants at the LWML convention in June.  Worship for Shut-ins received $12,000. The mission of “Worship for Shut-ins” is Sharing Christ’s Love through Ministry and Media. Worship for Shut-ins ministers not only to homebound and infirmed but also to those who may not know Jesus as their Savior.  Many of its viewers are on limited incomes; therefore, it takes outside sources to support this ministry costing $1,760 weekly on ten (10) Indiana television stations and DIRECTV throughout Indiana. The $12,000grant will enable the ministry to continue reaching out to homebound, un-churched, infirmed and incarcerated through the TV ministry of “Worship for Shut-ins”.    “Worship for Shut-ins” may be viewed locally every Sunday morning on channel 40 at 10:00 a.m. or on Directv.