Tuesday, January 12, 2016

January 10 Weekly News

THE ANNUAL VOTERS’ MEETING has been postponed until Sunday, January 24, at 1:30 PM in church, due to this past Sunday’s inclement weather. Copies of the meeting agenda are available in the narthex for those who did not yet receive one.


ST. JOHN’S FOUNDATION will meet after worship next Sunday, January 17.  Please come to the front pews.




SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS are reminded they will meet next Sunday evening at 5:30 PM for supper and then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.


will meet next Sunday evening at 7:00 PM.
TRINITY DUES:  Our 2016 dues are now due – a special envelope is provided in your offering box.
CHURCH PROFILE SURVEY:  To begin the call process for a new pastor, the Indiana District has requested that we complete a congregational profile.  One part of this profile includes a self-study survey.  We ask that all communicant members please fill out this survey by following the link: www.surveymonkey.com/r/White_Creek_Profile.  If you do not have web access, there are also paper copies of the survey that are available from the Elders.  Please complete the surveys by next Sunday, January 17.  Paper copies may be turned in at the office or given to any of the Elders.
CROSSLIFE MINISTRIES will present Blessed Are the Peacemakers seminar at St. Peter Lutheran Church,  Waymansville, next Saturday, January 16, from 8:30 AM-3:30 PM.  Participants will learn in this day of Bible study how God can change their attitudes towards conflict and their relationships to others.  Lunch will be provided. Registration fees ($35/person) need to be received by TODAY and may be paid through our church office.  For more information, call the CrossLife Ministries office at 812-522-8440. 
WCLS DISCOVERY DAY:   Our school will host Discovery Day on Monday, January 18, during our regular school day for students in grades K-8.  Students will have opportunities to engage in creative activities led by teachers and local professionals in various programs of painting, cooking, exercising, construction, sewing, chemistry, and much, much more!  If you know of any students who will be out of school that day due to the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, please encourage them to visit us and enjoy the White Creek Lutheran School experience!  Contact Mrs. Vandercar (812-371-3983) or the school office (812-342-6832) to register any visiting students.
CAMP LAKEVIEW:  Where can your children experience Christian growth while riding horses, canoeing, swimming, doing arts & crafts, and playing games?  At Lakeview Ministries!  Online registration for Lakeview Ministries will open on February 1st at 9:00 AM.  Don’t let your children miss the adventure, joy, and wonder that a week at a Christian camp can bring.  For more information, visit the camp’s website at www.camplakeview.com or call the camp office at 812-342-4815.  Pre-registration is open during January, so visit the website and set up your user account today!  Brochures were sent with our school students this past week and will be available today in the narthex and at Sunday School.
MOPS GROUP STARTING:  Zion Lutheran Church, Seymour, is starting a Mothers of PreSchoolers group, known as MOPS.  MOPS will be meeting on the first Friday of each month from 9:00-11:00 AM beginning February 5.  Registration is requested for planning purposes.  Please email ZionMOPSSeymour@gmail.com to register and reserve your spot.  For more information, contact Michelle Downey (920-248-2640) or Riley Friend (812-216-6772).
DEPOSITS OF $76.00 (school) and $652 (Foundation) have been made to those accounts on behalf of Thrivent Financial’s Thrivent Choice Program by the directed choice dollars of Nathan & Jenny Eckelman, Mariagnes Meyer, and Brian Schultz. 


CHURCH NURSERY:  Due to very limited usage, our church nursery will no longer be staffed; however, parents are encouraged to be considerate of their fellow worshipers and use the kindergarten room in school if their child becomes restless and needs a break from the worship service.  Ushers are always available for any assistance needed.

ALTAR GUILD HELP IS NEEDED!  Please consider helping with this important part of our church’s ministry.  Duties include setting up for communion and cleaning up the communion ware afterward. Helpers are scheduled for one month and can designate whether they could serve Sundays or Wednesdays (or both) of the month.  Please contact Cari Hercamp (812-528-0547) if you would like to help.