Monday, August 5, 2013

August 4 Weekly News

GOD'S BLESSINGS TO Clint & Penny Ahrmann and Karen McIntosh as they were baptized and confirmed during last Wednesday evening's worship.  Welcome to our White Creek family! 


MANY THANKS TO ALL who helped with/donated to last week's church picnic.  A special thanks to the Bartholomew County Pork Producers for the ham and Mike Musillami for the ice cream and toppings!


THANKS TO everyone for supporting the school scholarship fund.  If anyone would still like to make a donation to help our families who receive no congregational tuition support, they may do so at any time.


ANYONE INTERESTED in singing with the Lutheran Men's Chorus this upcoming season may contact Hersey Mangels (812-522-6926) or Roger Pollert (812-523-1496).


BRICKS:  Orders are now being taken for any new bricks to be laid around the church or in the memory garden.  Cost is $100 per brick.  Please contact Ernie & Donna Dettmer or Larry & Janice Claycamp if you would like to order.  Orders will be taken anytime through Labor Day.


THE PREGNANCY CARE CENTER is seeking volunteers to join the PCC Abstinence Education team, who are blessed to deliver life-changing information in school classrooms.  If you would like to consider becoming a Choose To Wait presenter, you may get more


information from Becky in the church office, or you may call Tracey Pike at the PCC at 812-378-4114.


CONGRATULATIONS TO Brian & Linda Jo Hauersperger on the birth of their daughter, HALEY KATE, last Tuesday.  Haley arrived weighing 7 lbs. 8 ozs. and measuring 19 1/2  ins.  Everyone is doing fine.  God's blessings to them!


CONGRATULATIONS TO Matthew & Lorna Meyer on the birth of their daughter, THEA DARLEEN, last Tuesday.  Thea arrived weighing 10 lbs. 9 ozs. and measuring 20 ins.  They are all doing fine.  God's blessings to them!


PARENTS OF WCLS STUDENTS are reminded that school begins TOMORROW.  Chapel will be held at 8:30 AM.  Everyone is invited to join us for this service as we begin our new school year.


TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL will be hosting an alumni basketball game next Sunday, August 11, beginning at 2:00 PM in the TLHS gymnasium.  This will be an annual event each fall, and is a great opportunity to come out and enjoy some fellowship, a good meal, and some entertaining basketball games!  Cost to play (includes meal and t-shirt) is $20, cost for spectators (meal and t-shirt) is $10, and cost to just come (games and meal) is $5.


THE CONGREGATION IS INVITED TO the wedding of Sean Mensendiek & Alyssa Newland on Saturday, August 17, at 5:30 PM at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Jonesville.  The reception will be immediately following at the Pavilion Building at the Bartholomew County Fairgrounds.


FAMILY FUN-FEST RETREAT:  Looking for some "quality time" with your family?  Try one of Camp Lakeview's Family Fun-Fest Retreats on August 23-25 or August 30-September 1 (Labor Day weekend).  Get away with your entire family and end your summer together, making some lasting memories and growing closer to each other and to the Lord.  For more information, pick up a brochure in the narthex or contact the camp office at 812-342-4815 or