Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Halie's Surgery

Trina called the office today to let us know that Halie's surgery to replace her VNS is now scheduled for Monday the 19th. Please keep them in your prayers.

Monday, November 12, 2012

November 11 Weekly News

SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS are reminded that they will meet for supper next Sunday evening at 5:30 PM at Bob Evans Restaurant, West Hill, and then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.


THE BOARD OF EDUCATION will meet next Sunday evening, November 18, at 6:00 PM.


THE ALUMINUM CAN DRIVE continues yet today.  A trailer is parked on the church/school grounds to receive items.


FOOD GATHERING:  Non-perishable food items will be received Thanksgiving evening to be donated to the local food pantry.  Thanks be to God for the many blessings He has given to us!


BASKET BINGO NIGHT:  The 13th annual Basket Bingo Night will be held this Friday, November 16, in our gym.  Doors will open at 5:30 PM, with bingo to begin at 6:30 PM. Tickets are now on sale for $20 if prepaid before the event or $25 at the door.  See any WCLS student or contact the school office to purchase tickets beforehand, or tickets will be available at the door ($25).  


BUTTER BRAID/CHEESECAKE SALE:  Our school is currently holding its Butter Braid/Cheesecake Sale to raise funds for our students' field trip fund.  Stop by the table in the narthex TODAY if you would like to order any of these delicious items!


INGATHERING FOR ARMED FORCES:  A sheet listing needed items for our troops is available in the narthex.  These items will be gathered and shipped out for the Christmas holiday.  Please consider sending in items to help with this project and let our soldiers know they have our support!  A box will be in the front hall of school and in the church narthex to receive items.  The items will be prepared for shipment on Saturday, December 8, in our Fellowship Room.


"MANY THANKS TO everyone for the prayers, cards, food, and kind words given to us at the death of our beloved wife, mother, and grandmother, Shirley Enzinger.  A special thanks to Pastor Cook for his spiritual words of comfort and to all who donated to and helped serve the funeral lunch.  What great blessings!" - The Enzinger Family


DEPOSITS OF $285.00 and $2,013.00 have been made to the church and school accounts, respectively, on behalf of the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans' Thrivent Choice program.  The listing of those members who have directed their choice dollars is posted on the bulletin board in the front hall of school.


EMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH, DUDLEYTOWN, will sponsor its annual Harvest Festival TODAY from 3:30-7:00 PM.  Carry-out is available - a free-will offering will be received.  (A lift has been installed to make easier access to their lower level.)  Everyone invited.


OUR DECEMBER VOTERS' MEETING will be held on Sunday, December 2, after worship.  (NO Bible Class that day.)  The business at hand will include accepting the slate of nominees for 2013 church offices and voting on whether to keep our worship schedule as it is or go back to 9 AM Sunday School and Bible Class with worship following.  All confirmed members of our congregation, 18 years and older, are encouraged to attend.