Monday, December 16, 2013

December 15 Weekly News

TODAY MARKS THE THIRD SUNDAY IN ADVENT.   We light the third candle on the Advent wreath, the pink candle of joy.  The angels sang a message of joy.  "And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased.'"  Luke 2:13-14


OUR THIRD MIDWEEK ADVENT WORSHIP will be held this Wednesday at 7:00 PM.  The Youth will be serving a chili/baked potato supper before worship, beginning at 5:45 PM.


PORTALS OF PRAYER devotional booklets for January - March  will be available from the ushers after today's worship.  Large print copies are also available.


THE LADIES AID/GUILD COOKIE SALE is being held TODAY after worship in the upstairs front hall of school.  Various crafts are also available for sale.   Enjoy some Christmas treats and do a little Christmas shopping!


PHIL'S FRIENDS card making will be held this evening at 6:00 PM, before the Youth meet at 7:00 PM.  Everyone is welcome to come and help with the cards!


JANUARY CALENDAR AND NEWS ITEMS need to be given to Becky by this Thursday.


LOOKING AHEAD TO CHRISTMAS WORSHIP:  Worship will be held Christmas Eve at 4:30 PM, with the Children's Christmas Eve Program to begin at 6:30 PM (pre-service music at 6:15 PM).  Worship with Holy Communion will be held Christmas Day, beginning at 10:30 AM.  There will be no Wednesday evening worship Christmas night.


CHRISTMAS PRE-SERVICE MUSIC:  Anyone interested in performing a musical number (instrumental or vocal) prior to the start of the Children's Christmas Eve Service is asked to send an email to


CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS:  Persons who would like to place poinsettias on the Altar for the Christmas season are asked to contact Karen Schlehuser (342-6140).  Flowers may be purchased individually or ordered through Karen.


CHRISTMAS CARD DELIVERY:  Our Youth will be delivering Christmas cards locally this Tuesday, December 17, after school.  Cost is 25 cents/card.  A drop box is in the narthex.


CHRISTMAS EVE TREATS:  Donations for the children's Christmas Eve candy treats may be given to the Elder on duty or to any of the ushers.


ALTAR GUILD:  Volunteers are needed to serve on the Altar Guild.  If you would be able to help one month of the year (either the two Sundays of the month, or the two Wednesdays), please contact Cari Hercamp at 812-528-0547.  If you are currently on the Altar Guild list, please let Cari know whether you would like to continue serving.


"DEAR MEMBERS OF ST. JOHN'S:  We sincerely appreciate your cards and visits to Wilma.  It was a special treat to have Pastor Cook and the carolers sing to us last Sunday.  That was so special!  Thanks for your concern."  Sincerely, Wilma & Don Voelker


FINANCIAL UPDATE:  Approximately $70,000 is needed in December to close out our year.  We have collected $21,600 the first two Sundays, leaving a balance of $48,400 still needed.  Please give this your prayerful consideration as the year comes to an end. - Mark Buss, General Fund Treasurer


POSITION AVAILABLE:  Lakeview Ministries is currently seeking a full time Facilities Technician.  This position will assist in maintaining all the buildings and grounds of Lakeview Ministries as well as hosting guest groups throughout the year.  For more information, please go to the camp's website at or call the camp office at 812-342-4815.  Submit resumes to  All resumes must be submitted by December 31, 2013.