ADULT INSTRUCTION CLASS: Pastor Whitmore would like to
begin another adult instruction class soon.
If you are interested (or someone you know is interested) in learning
about (or reviewing) our Lutheran teachings and becoming a communicant member
of our congregation, please contact Pastor ( or 812-799-6579) or call the church
office (812-342-3516).
THE ANNUAL VOTERS’ MEETING will be held this afternoon at 1:00 p.m.
The election of 2018 officers will be among the business at hand. All confirmed members of our congregation, 18
years and older, are encouraged to attend.
THOSE OFFICERS ELECTED at today’s meeting will have
an orientation meeting this Thursday, January 18, at 7:00 p.m. All officers are urged to attend.
Also, all new officers will be installed during the worship service next
NEXT SUNDAY, JANUARY 21, our congregation will join
others across the country to commemorate Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
(SOHLS)-an annual day to celebrate the immeasurable value of all human life and
help to defend the sanctity of human life.
We will have a coin collection that day - please give one coin, any
amount, for each year of your life, in thanksgiving to God for His many
blessings. A basket will be in the
narthex for your donation. This collection will be forwarded to Clarity
(formerly the Pregnancy Care Center) to help support their ministry of sharing
the truth of life with women and men in our community who are facing unplanned
pregnancies and to offer compassion and grace to those in need.
YOUTH will
meet next Sunday at 7:00 p.m.
meet next Sunday at 5:00 p.m. for supper and then return to the Fellowship Room
for socializing. Guests are always
CRAFT NIGHT: A craft night will be held at the home of
Cathy Bontrager this Thursday, January 18, at 6:30 p.m. for anyone who has
craft ideas for our annual bazaar and those who would like to help make the crafts. This will, hopefully, be a monthly
event. For more information, contact
Cathy at 812-216-5061.
of White Creek’s Endowment/Foundation committee will be held Tuesday, January
23, at 6:30 p.m. All committee members,
please plan to attend.
OPEN HOUSE: White Creek Lutheran School will hold its
annual Open House on Friday, February 2, from 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Interested persons may visit the classrooms,
and the teachers will be available to answer any questions in between
instruction times. Please pass this
information on to any prospective families interested in WCLS.
Thorn & Tara Murphy on the birth of their son, CARSON MICHAEL, Monday,
January . Carson arrived weighing 6 lbs.
8 ozs. and measuring 18 ins. Keep Carson
in your prayers as he has been hospitalized with some breathing issues, but is responding
to treatment!
REGISTRATION: St. Paul Lutheran Early Childhood Ministry
(Clifty) will begin registering for the 2018-2019 school year on January
22. Classes are offered for children who
are 3, 4 or 5 by August 1. New for this
year are an afternoon preschool class for 4’s and a STREAM (Science, Technology,
Religion, Arts, Mathematics) enrichment class on Wednesday afternoons. The brochure and registration forms are
available at White Creek School or by visiting our website at Please contact Chris Behmlander at
812-376-6504 with questions.
A SOUP SUPPER/EUCHRE PARTY will be held at St. Peter, Waymansville, Sunday, January
28. The soup supper begins at 5:00 p.m.
($5/person), with Euchre beginning at 6:30 ($5/person). All proceeds will be given to the Orphan
Grain Train for shipping expenses.
Everyone invited.
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: 1 Cor. 6:19-20
“You are not your
own, for you were bought with a price.
So glorify God in your body.” God
owns everything, including our very selves.
We were made to serve Him and glorify Him and will never truly be happy
or find our fulfillment until we learn that lesson. Jesus has redeemed us and brought us back
into the Kingdom of the Father – and that has set us free to serve Him in joy,
generosity, liberty, and faith.