Wednesday, September 4, 2013

September 1 Weekly News

TODAY'S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given by Mark & Debbie Mensendiek in thanksgiving and celebration of their 25th wedding anniversary this past Tuesday.  May God grant you many more happy years, Mark & Debbie!


TODAY'S SIDE BOUQUETS have been given by Virginia Luckey and Delores & Glen Nierman in loving remembrance of the passing of their father, Albert Enzinger, 75 years ago.


SUNDAY SCHOOL will begin next Sunday, September 8, after worship.  The plan is to begin class15 minutes after church is over, with dismissal 1 hour later.  (Start/dismissal times will vary since the service is longer on Communion Sundays.)


BRICKS:  Orders are being taken yet today and tomorrow for any new bricks to be laid around the church or in the memory garden.  Cost is $100 per brick.  Please contact Ernie & Donna Dettmer or Larry & Janice Claycamp if you would like to order.


THE CHURCH OFFICE will be closed tomorrow in observance of the Labor Day holiday.


SMORGASBORD SIGN-UPS are still going on in the narthex.  Please look over the needs and join in to help make this annual event another success! 


DONATIONS OF craft items and baked goods are needed for our upcoming bazaar/bake sale.  Items may be brought to the gym on the morning of the 21st.  Your support is appreciated!


BAZAAR BOOTH: A "2nd Time Around" booth will be set up at our annual Bazaar on Saturday, September 21.  Gently used items (NO clothing) will be offered at garage sale prices.  If you have any items you would like to donate (cleaning out drawers, closets?), please contact Kathryn Taulman (812-405-2774).  Please price your items before you give them to Kathryn.


WCLS MUM SALE:  Our school is sponsoring a mum sale to raise funds for students' field trips and special activities.  Order forms are available in the narthex, or mums may be ordered from any WCLS student or through the office.  All orders with payments need to be submitted by THIS Wednesday, September 4.  Mums will be ready for pick-up on Friday-Saturday, September 13-14.


WHITE CREEK WILL BE HOSTING a blood drive this Wednesday, September 4, from 2:00-7:00 PM.  The bloodmobile will be located east of the church.  If you would like to make an appointment for a certain time, call Becky in the church office Tuesday.  Please consider giving to this life-saving effort.


AN ALUMINUM CAN DRIVE will be held this Friday-Sunday, September 6-8.  A trailer will be parked on the church/school grounds to receive items.


BIBLE STUDIES: The Women's Bible Study at the parsonage will begin this Wednesday at 3:30 PM.  The Book of Luke will be studied.  Babysitting will be available.  (You do not have to have kids to come!)  Another Bible study, "Grace Upon Grace," will begin next Sunday evening, September 8, from 6:30-8:00 PM in the Fellowship Room.  This study will be held on the second and fourth Sunday evenings of the month.  (No babysitting.)  Contact Emily Cook (447-8693) with any questions or to order materials.


"WORSHIP FOR SHUT-INS,"  is available on television channel 40 out of Indianapolis and channel 18 for Seymour viewers.  This is a part of Lutheran Ministries Media and receives part of its funding from the LWML.


TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL is in need of substitute teachers to fill in on occasion.  If interested, please call the Trinity office at 812-524-8547.