WE REJOICE WITH Mark & Linda Smith as they bring their son, BROC EVAN, to be baptized this morning. Broc’s sponsors are his uncle and aunt, Mark & Debbie Mensendiek, and his uncle, Jeff Smith. God’s blessings to you, Broc!
THE AUGUST CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after today’s worship.
CHURCH PICNIC: Please return the picnic RSVP to an usher TODAY if you plan on attending our church picnic on Sunday, August 14. Information about the picnic is included in the August news that you will receive today. (If you did not get one, see an usher.)
TRINITY STUDENTS are reminded that the Ladies Aid scholarship form is due TODAY. Please turn it in to the church office.
PASTOR BRANDT’S BIBLE STUDY on the Epistle of James will begin on Thursday, August 18, at 10:30 AM in the Fellowship Room. Five different James are mentioned in Scripture. Which one wrote this Epistle? Call Becky in the church office to enroll.
CONGRATULATIONS TO Andy & Amanda Hoffman on the birth of their son, ELIJAH ANDREW, this past Monday. Elijah arrived weighing 8 lbs. 4 ozs. and measuring 20 ½ inches. Everyone is doing fine. God’s blessings to them!
PROJECT AWESTRUCK would like to thank the ladies of the Ladies Aid and Guild for the wonderful meal they prepared for us on July 18. As a side note, the volunteers of Project Awestruck recorded over 3500 hours of community service in a two week period. – Jacob Hercamp
WCLS SCHOOL PARENTS are reminded that registration for grades 3-8 for the upcoming school year will be held this Tuesday, August 2, from 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM and 6:30 – 8:00 PM. (Teachers for grades K – 2 will be making individual appointments.) Teachers will be providing classroom information, and the book and service/technology fees may be paid at this time. If unable to attend, please contact Mrs. Buss.
ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN CHURCH, BROWNSTOWN, will install Pastor Jeffrey Patterson today at 4:00 PM. A reception and refreshments will follow the service. Everyone invited.