Monday, August 13, 2018

August 12 Weekly News

TODAY’S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given by Thomas & Emily Nienaber in praise and thanksgiving to God as they begin their married life together.  God’s blessings to them!

AUGUST YOUTH MEAL DEALS are being offered for silent auction through August 26, when the winners will be announced.  This month’s meals are: 1) Chicken & dressing casserole, green beans, rolls, 7-layer bars; and 2) Chicken enchiladas, salad, apple pie w/vanilla ice cream.  Submit your bid on the sign-in sheets in the narthex.  Many thanks from the youth for your support!

BACKPACK SUPPLIES:  Please return all purchased supplies by next Sunday, August 19 – a box is in the narthex to receive items.  Thank you for sharing your blessings to help those in need!

SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will meet at 5:00pm for supper next Sunday evening and then return to the Fellowship Room for socializing.

OUR ANNUAL SMORGASBORD/BAZAAR will be held on Saturday, September 8, with serving beginning at 4:30pm.  Cost of the meal is $10 for adults (13 and older), $5 for children 4-12 yrs., and free for children 3 and under.  Take-out orders will be available in the Fellowship Room.  Check the sign-up sheets today in the narthex for donations and help needed from our entire congregation.

NOODLE-MAKING for the upcoming smorgasbord will be held this Friday afternoon (around 1:30) in our school kitchen.  All help would be greatly appreciated!  Contact Connie Meyer (812-371-3874) for any questions.

GOLF OUTING:  Our Senior High Youth will be sponsoring a Golf Outing at Shadowood Golf Course, Seymour, on Saturday, September 29, beginning at 8:00am.  Entry cost is $65/player, which includes 18 holes with cart and lunch.  Registration deadline is Friday, September 7.  Registration forms are available in the narthex and our church office.  Prizes will be awarded and a raffle will be held.
INDIVIDUALS/BUSINESSES are being sought to be a sponsor for the Youth Golf Outing at Shadowood Golf Course in Seymour on Saturday, September 29.  They are seeking event sponsors and donations for raffle prizes.  If you would like to be a sponsor or donate raffle items, please contact Jason Hill at (812-350-2161, or Michelle Barnett (  All proceeds will go to help with expenses  to attend the 2019 National Youth Gathering next summer. 

TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL is in need of volunteers (men and women) who would be willing to spend one morning a month helping assemble newsletters (usually the fourth Monday).  Come enjoy fellowship, drinks and snacks and help get Trinity’s news out.  The next newsletter assembly will be Monday, August 27 at 8:34am.  Many hands make light work!

DEPOSITS OF $196.00 (school) and $231.00 (Foundation) have been made on behalf of Thrivent Financial’s Thrivent Choice program by the directed choice dollars of Jan Buss, Larry & Janice Claycamp, and Lou & Jean Voelker.

BRICKS for our church sidewalk and memory garden may be ordered any time through Labor Day.  Bricks are $100 and may be ordered by contacting Ernie & Donna Dettmer (812-522-8045) or Larry & Janice Claycamp (812-522-1031).

AN ALUMINUM CAN DRIVE will be held August 31-September 2.
A trailer will be parked on the church/school grounds to receive items.  This project is sponsored by our school’s parent organization, the WCA.

CONCORDIA PUBLISHING HOUSE is holding its annual Bible sale now through September 30.  Save up to 33% on new and most popular Bibles.  Check the information flyer on the bulletin board in the front hall of school for pricing information.  Persons may order through our church office or online at  Use promo code YFL to receive the discount.

FREE ITEM:  The elders have taken down the TV antenna at the parsonage.  The antenna is in good working condition and is available to anyone interested – first come, first serve.  Contact Rex Enzinger (812-498-8905).

“Let the thief no long steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.”  God gives us honest work to do so that we can be a blessing to others.  That’s how so many of God’s blessings go: He gives to us so that we in turn can be a blessing.  He graciously calls us into the midst of His own work in the world.