Friday, March 11, 2011

Tim is OK!!!

We were finally able to go back and see Tim at about 8:15 tonight. The doctor put in a few more stints and is adjusting his medicine but says that he is doing very well! Thank you God for your loving care and protection!

Pray for Tim Hoene! Updated!

Church family, please pray for Tim Hoene- He had a heart attack this evening!

They were able to help him in time; he is in Columbus and recovering now.
Please continue to pray for him as he recovers!

Update on Kristie Wessel

I spoke with Kristie today, and the good news is that the chemo is doing its job and the lymphoma has been greatly reduced!

Continue to keep Kristie in your prayers as she still has several more rounds of chemo to endure. Kristie was scheduled to have a treatment yesterday, but the port through which she receives her medicine was not functioning properly, and instead of receiving treatment she ended up having multiple tests to determine what exactly was wrong with the port, and whether or not she should have surgery to replace it. With Kristie's blood counts being what they are, they decided not to risk surgery at this time. During the testing they also discovered that she has several blood clots, so they have started her on a medicine that is aimed at breaking up those clots. Please pray that Kristie's body will continue to respond well to her treatments, and that the complications with her port will diminish as the blood clots are dissolved.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ash Wednesday

Why do we do what we do on Ash Wednesday?  What is the point of fasting?
Is Lent about "feeling sorry" for Jesus?

Listen to a discussion about these issues and more:

Issues, etc podcast with pastor Heath Curtis

Or go to and click on "Listen on Demand."

New Prayers

We continue to pray for Lilly Smith as she is scheduled for her tonsillectomy this morning, and Scott Hildreth who is expected to return home from the hospital this morning after experiencing an irregular heartbeat yesterday.

Today we give thanks that Simeon Bauman's surgery was successful and he was able to return home on Tuesday. He isn't out of the woods yet as he still has an open wound to allow for draining, but he is beginning  to feel better and wants to do his homework!

We are also excited for the Hoene family as Brandi Hoene is expected to deliver a baby boy today! Congratulations! You are in our prayers.

Funeral Arrangements

As most of you have heard by now, St. John's lost a very dear member yesterday as Mabel Burbrink went home to be with our Lord. Visitation will be held at the Meyers-Reed Chapel in Columbus on Friday from 5-8pm. The Funeral will be held at St. John's on Saturday at 10:30am. Please continue to keep the Burbrink family in your prayers.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 6 Announcements

WE REJOICE WITH Eric & Amanda Kerkhof as they bring their son, ISAAC DAVID, to be baptized this morning. Isaac’s sponsors are his uncle, Kyle Kerkhof, and cousin, Autumne Streeval. God’s blessings to you, Isaac!

THE LENTEN SEASON begins this Wednesday, Ash Wednesday. The Imposition of Ashes will occur during the midweek worship, which begins at 7 PM that evening. The Youth will be serving a taco/taco salad supper, with Ladies Aid providing desserts, before the service, beginning at 5:45 PM.

PASTOR BRANDT’S BIBLE STUDY: Is it possible to have an oversensitive conscience? St. John, in his Epistles of love answers this question. We will discuss this at the Bible Study beginning this Thursday, March 10, at 10:30 AM in the Fellowship Room. Call Becky to register.

Stewardship Newsletter

Psalm 24:1 “The Earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”
The constitution of St. John’s Lutheran Church has given the Board of Stewardship two specific areas of responsibility: 1) To help solicit money for the church programs, and 2) To educate members about the needs of the congregation.
With these responsibilities in mind, the Board of Stewardship has decided that it would be beneficial to begin publishing a monthly newsletter to inform the congregation of the church and school’s financial needs, and to take the opportunity once a month to look at what God’s Word teaches us about faithful stewardship.
What is a steward anyway?
A steward is a manger of another’s belongings; a caregiver, custodian, trustee; a chosen servant; an important person in a privileged, responsible position. “It is required of stewards that they be found faithful” (I Cor. 4:2). Since a steward is NOT the same as an owner, there is a unique sense of accountability that accompanies the title: steward. Stewards do not hold title to possessions, physical or intellectual, or even talents and skills. They are owned by the Owner. Even life itself is a gift, not fully one’s own (I Cor. 6:19), but rather it is a gift of God to be managed to fulfill God’s purposes.
What does it look like to be a steward today?
Here at St. John’s we have been called into the Body of Christ through His gracious work in our baptisms. There, He made each of us His chosen stewards and has given us the high responsibility of ensuring that His Gospel is proclaimed in this place, and that our children are educated in the fear and knowledge of the Lord. To be a steward today means to support the church and school with the resources that God has entrusted to each of us.

Did you know….?

In 2010 the combined operating expenses of the church and school totaled $572,000.

The church has roughly 250 families who attend regularly. If you divide the church and school’s expenses by the number of active families, the amount is $2,288 per family. (This is even less than the $3,500 it costs to educate one student!)

If a person gives up drinking one bottle of pop per week for one year, he would have an additional $78 that could be given to the Lord. (And he would be roughly five pounds lighter!)

If a person takes one less trip to town per week for one year, the average car owner would save $208 that could be given to the Lord.

Yearly giving trends for the years 2007-2010:


07 08 09 10

07 08 09 10
54 51 59 77
$1501 - $2000
10 13 16 11
$1 - $100
30 40 38 33
$2001 - $2500
7 6 4 7
$101 - $250
25 16 22 15
$2501 - $3500
19 14 15 16
$251 - $500
30 26 24 23
$3501 - $4500
9 14 14 14
$501 - $1000
31 29 24 33
$4501 - $6000
8 12 10 11
$1001 - $1500
18 23 20 17
$6001 - and ABOVE
7 8 12 11

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What would you do if Jesus were here?

Pastor Cook asks us to consider this question as we meditate on the Transfiguration this week.

What would I do?  What would I do if Jesus suddenly appeared in bodily form, right there at my dinner table?  Or right next to me on the couch during prime time television?  What would I do if He appeared at the foot of my bed right after the alarm went off this morning, while I was laying there whining to myself about all the things I didn't feel like doing today?

I doubt any of us, if we are honest, can think about Jesus appearing to us without getting a little uncomfortable.  Because His holy presence makes us aware of our sins, we would rather hide ourselves, or fall to the ground like the disciples did.

Jesus knows this about us already, but He graciously pursues us anyway.  Listen to Sunday's sermon, and hear of the grace God shows us in His Son Jesus.

But Jesus came and touched them, saying, "Rise, and have no fear." 
And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only.

Matthew 17:7-8

Welcome to White Creek Weekly!

The purpose of this blog is to share important congregational information with the members and friends of St. John's, White Creek. Every effort will be made to update the blog on at least a weekly basis to inform members of prayer requests and upcoming events.