will respond to any pastoral care needs through Wednesday this week. He can be reached at 812-764-8664. Pastor Keinath will be leading worship next
practice for the Children’s Christmas Eve program will be held during the
Sunday School hour. Children 2 years old
through 8th grade are invited to participate. Please make every effort to attend these
WORSHIP with Holy Communion
will be held Wednesday evening, November 25, at 7:00 PM. Pastor Jung will be
leading our worship. Non-perishable food
items will be received to be delivered to the local food pantry.
during our regular worship time (8:45) will be held on Sunday, November 29.
Come and worship as we celebrate our 175th Christmas as a
special evening will be an opportunity for adults (confirmed and older) of the
congregation to set aside the hustle and bustle of holiday preparations and
focus on the birth of Christ. It will be
held on Sunday, November 29, at 6:30 PM.
The evening will include readings, a variety of music, and
desserts. This will be an elegant,
relaxing evening of friendship and preparation for the true meaning of
Christmas. Reservations are needed, but
the event is free. Seating is limited,
so sign up today in the narthex!
CHILD: Sunday School children will receive
information today about sending gifts and the Gospel message to children who
may have never received a Christmas present or heard about Jesus. Monetary donations for shipping $7/box are
also being received. All donations need
to be received by November 17.
WITNESS: It’s time to
order/renew subscriptions to The Lutheran
Witness. The annual price remains at
$18.00. Please contact Becky by Sunday,
November 22, if you would like to order.
Checks may be made payable to St. John’s Lutheran Church.
SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS are reminded to meet next Sunday
evening at Bob Evans Restaurant at 5:30 PM for supper and then return to the
Fellowship Rom for their monthly meeting and socializing. Guests welcome!
YOUTH GROUPS will meet next Sunday evening at 7 PM.
will gather for their holiday outing on Wednesday, November 18, at 11:30 AM at
The Chocolate Spoon in Seymour. Please
RSVP to Susan Cummings (812-988-2917) or Wanda Meyer (812-522-8688).
THE CHURCH COUNCIL will meet Sunday evening, November 22,
at 7:00 PM. All council members are
urged to attend.
MEETING will be
held Monday, November 30, at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Room.
CHURCH HISTORY: In 1939, a utility room was added to the
church to house the new furnace which took the place of the old stoves. The cost of the first furnace and the utility
room was $666.64. This furnace was
replaced with an oil furnace in 1961.
TICKETS ($65/person or $600/table) are still available
from Katie Otte (812-341-5333) or Lakeview Ministries (812-342-4815) for Camp
Lakeview's 11th Annual Dinner Auction, "ROUTE 66," November 21, at the Clarion Hotel Crystal
Ballroom in Columbus. Items or monetary donations are also
needed for the silent auction. All proceeds benefit God's work being
done at Lakeview Ministries, and all donations are tax-deductible.
DESSERTS ARE NEEDED for the Dessert Dash at Camp Lakeview’s
Dinner Auction. Contact Dave Vandercar
at 812-342-4815 or if you would like to
AN ALUMINUM CAN DRIVE is being held yet today. A trailer is parked on the church/school
grounds to receive items. This project
is sponsored by our school’s parent organization, the WCA.
BUTTER BRAID/CHEESECAKE SALE: Orders are now being taken for a variety of
sweet breads and cheesecakes. See any
WCLS student or order through the school office by this Wednesday, November
11. Items will be delivered in early
December. Proceeds will go to provide
special activities for our students.
WCLS BASKET BINGO NIGHT will be held this Friday
evening, November 13. Doors will open at
5:30 PM with bingo starting at 6:30 PM.
Tickets ($20) are available through the school office.