Monday, April 14, 2014

April 13 Weekly News

TODAY'S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given by the confirmands to the glory of God on their Confirmation Day today.


GOD'S BLESSINGS TO our 8th grade students who will be confirmed today during the 10:15 AM worship service:  Autumn Bontrager, Cassandra Claycamp, Wyatt Fleming, Tanner Hatton, Cameo Hildreth, Griffin McGaha, Madison Schlehuser, Emily Schultz, and Savanna Setty.



April 17 : Maundy Thursday - Worship w/Communion, 7:00 PM

April 18:  Good Friday - Worship, 7:00 PM

April 20:   Easter - Sunrise Worship, 8:00 AM

                                 Easter breakfast following

                                 Sunday School (No BC), 9:20 AM  (Bible story                            and Easter egg hunt; children will be dismissed at                      10:00 from the gym)

                                 Worship w/Communion, 10:15 AM

***Please note that there is no Wednesday evening worship this week.


EASTER ALTAR/NARTHEX FLOWERS:  Persons who would like to place Easter flowers on the altar/in the narthex are asked to contact Karen Schlehuser (342-6140) ASAP.  Persons may order through Karen or purchase their own flowers, but please contact Karen so she can have adequate set-up prepared.


ALTAR GUILD VOLUNTEERS are still needed for June and July.  If you would be able to help one of these months, please contact Cari Hercamp (812-528-0547) or Becky in the church office.


DEPOSITS OF $48.00 and $226.00 have been made to the church and school accounts on behalf of the Thrivent Financial Choice Program by the directed choice dollars of the following: Jan Buss, Marie Campbell, Bill & Marlis Kidd, David Manley, Mike & Kathy Sanders, and Wilma Voelker.


LWML SPRING RALLY: Our Ladies Aid will join with  Immanuel, Seymour, to host the LWML Columbus and Seymour Zones Spring Rally at Immanuel on Saturday, April 26.  Registration and breakfast will begin at 8:45 AM ($5 for registration).  The Rev. Jimmy Rodriguez will speak about building a Lutheran school on a recent mission trip to Haiti.  All Ladies of the congregation are invited to attend.


TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE for our school's upcoming musical, "Jonah's Druthers," on Friday, April 25, and Saturday, April 26, at 6:30 PM both evenings.  Cost is $2/person - contact Mrs. Vandercar at or Becky in the church office.


SPRING HANGING FLOWER BASKETS may be ordered yet tomorrow morning through our school's spring fundraiser.  Baskets from Whipker's Market are $19, with a variety of flowers being offered.  Ten dollar gift coupons are also available.  All proceeds will be used for school projects.  Contact Becky in the church office. 


ST. PAUL, BORCHERS WALK tHIS WAY:  The W.I.N.G.S. (Women in God’s Service) group of St. Paul, Borchers, will be holding their 5th annual WINGS WALK tHIS WAY on Sunday, April 27, beginning at 1:00 PM.  Entry fee is $25 ($20 if registered by April 13).  Various prizes, including a Kindle Fire HD, will be raffled during the race.  All proceeds will go toward Picnic Woods improvements.  Pick up a registration form from St. Paul, Borchers, or register online at


PHIL'S FRIENDS WALK:  The 2nd Annual Phil's Friends Walk will be held on Saturday, May 3, at 10:00 AM here at White Creek.  Phil Zielke, founder of Phil's Friends, will be joining us and speaking about his two-time battle with stage 4 Hodgkin's lymphoma.  A sign-up sheet to walk will be in the narthex, or contact Janet Morey at 812-350-6238 to register.


PANS AND CROCKPOTS from last weekend's car show are in the Fellowship Room.  Please pick up today.


CONSTRUCTION UPDATE:  During the past couple of weeks workers have finished initial work on the kitchen reconfiguration.  The stainless steel counter areas have not yet arrived, so temporary laminate tops have been installed as well as a temporary kitchen door so that lunch service could resume.  The roll-up door windows will be installed later in the project. --  Footers were poured before the heavy rains, and now forms have been set in place for the foundation of the new classrooms. -- Drywall is up on the interior of the balcony and spackling is underway.