MANY THANKS TO all who had a part in today's Re-enactment
Service. Special thanks to guest
organist, Leah Schneider, and Whitney Vandercar and the Children's Choir for
As our congregation continues to stand against the attacks of Satan in these
last days, it is vitally important for us to be a congregation at prayer. Beginning this Wednesday, April 29, Pastor
Cook will be leading a brief prayer service immediately following the school's
chapel service (8:30 AM). If you are
unable to attend, would you please take time throughout the week to keep our
membership in your prayers, specifically those inactive members that we are
trying to reconnect with, and the financial situation of our church and
school. Above all, let us give thanks to
God for all that He has blessed us with and ask Him to prosper the work of our
hands (Ps. 90) as He strengthens our faith.
MAY CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available
from the ushers after worship today.
THE CHURCH FOUNDATION will meet briefly
after church next Sunday, May 3. Members
are asked to please remain in church.
VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to help with Vacation
Bible School this summer. Let Pastor
Cook know if you would be able to help with this part of our church ministry.
Sunday, May 3, after church. All members
are encouraged to be a part of this picture!
175TH ANNIVERSARY T-SHIRTS are on display in the
narthex, and order forms are on the table beside the display. The deadline for turning in the order forms
with payment is next Sunday, May 3. They may be given to any anniversary
committee member or to Becky in the church office. Shirts will be available for
pick-up on Sunday, May 17.
CONGREGATIONAL HISTORY: Despite having difficulty raising enough to
meet current local expenses (annual reports showed constant deficits), our
church fathers resolved to build the new building. Elected members of the building committee were: Fred Dorfmeier, Gerhard Von dem Fange, Fred
W. Meier, Henry Schlehuser, Henry Kuhlman, William Welmer, and Pastor
LOOKING FOR CONFIRMATION PICTURES: The following Confirmation class pictures are
still needed: 2000, 2001, 1971, 1972, 1976, (professional pictures best) 1960,
1968, 1951, 1958, 1940, 1945, 1947, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1937, 1938, 1920, 1921,
1923, and all years prior to 1920 except 1918 and 1919. The original picture is needed to make a
good copy. If you prefer not to
leave your picture(s), Janeen Blomenberg will be available in the church office
after church to scan your original picture so you can take it home again.
175TH ANNIVERSARY PLATES are expected to
arrive sometime this week. Anyone who
would still like to order a plate may do so by contacting Kyra Bode at
812-390-7571 or Cost
is $20/plate. They will also be for sale
after church in the front school hall.
THE PUBLIC IS INVITED to a Foster Care Info
Night this Thursday, April 30, from 7:00-8:00 PM at the Community Church of
Columbus, 3850 N. Marr Rd. White's
Residential & Family Services is sponsoring this informative night to help
those interested learn options about licensing for long/short term foster care and
adoptions. Refreshments will be