Monday, August 7, 2017

August 6 Weekly News

TEACHER INSTALLATION:  We pray God’s blessings to our faculty as this school year has begun:  K-Michelle Barnett, Grade 1-Mary Anne Schneider, Grade 2-Jean Jack, Grade 3-Kim Enzinger, Grade 4-Lindsay Paluch, Grade 5-Whitney Vandercar, Grade 6-Jessica Sons, Grades 7 & 8-Micah McCormick, Principal-Jan Buss, Confirmation Class-Pastor Whitmore, and Teacher Aides-Kyra Bode and Tracey Engelau.

WORK DAY to clean up the church/school grounds will be held this next Saturday, August 12, at 8:00 a.m.  Bring your rakes, trimmers, shovels, and lots of energy to spruce up around the church and school.  Rain date will be August 19.

DID YOU NOTICE the wooden door in the narthex?  One aspect of our October 29th celebration of the 500th Anniversary of The Reformation will be to assemble backpacks for an Orphan Grain Train special project: School Kits.  In order to have the supplies needed for the school kits, you are asked to consider donating school supplies (on sale now) and/or the cost of mailing them.  In keeping with our Reformation theme, 95 “theses” have been posted on that wooden door in the narthex.  Each “theses” has school supplies listed on the back.  If you take a “theses” please return the school supplies on your “theses” by October 1.  A box will be available in the narthex for these supplies.

“WELL, IT’S BEEN 500 YEARS!  On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted 95 theses for debate on the church door of the castle church n Wittenberg, Germany.  Little did he know the impact that simple act would have.  Beginning September 10 during our regular Bible study time, we will be looking at the life of Martin Luther and the reasons behind the Reformation by looking at a video series put out by Lutheran Hour Ministries.  You do not want to miss this opportunity to learn more about what we will be celebrating in October.  Hope to see you there!” -  In Christ, Pastor Whitmore

OUR ANNUAL SMORGASBORD/BAZAAR is coming up on Saturday, September 9, 4:30-7:00 p.m.  Many helpers are needed for this yearly church-sponsored event!  Sign-up sheets for workers and donations will be in the narthex next Sunday before and after church.

MEMORIAL BRICKS for our sidewalk or Memory Garden may be ordered now through Labor Day.  Bricks are $100.  Contact Ernie & Donna Dettmer or Larry & Janice Claycamp if interested in placing an order.  If you would like a special clip-art included on your brick, see Becky in the office for a sheet of what is available.  Any brick orders received after Labor Day will be held until next year’s order is placed.

SEVERAL VOLUNTEERS are still needed to help in the Ethnic Expo food booth on Friday, October 13.  If you would like to enjoy an afternoon of seeing community friends and working with your church family, please contact Janeen Blomenberg, Jean Voelker, or Becky.

“THANK YOU for all the thoughtful prayers, cards, visits, and get well wishes.  The new hip is doing great!” – Sam Behrman

EVERYONE IS INVITED TO the concert, Pray About Everything, featuring Guy Penrod at the First Baptist Church in Seymour this evening at 6:30 p.m.  Doors open at 5:30 p.m.  Tickets are $20/person and are available online at or by calling the First Baptist Church office at 812-522-1909.  Guy was the lead singer for the Gaither Vocal Band for many years. 

EVERYONE IS INVITED to the 140th Anniversary of St. Paul’s, Jonesville, which will be celebrated next Sunday, August 13, at 10:15 a.m.  Indiana District President Dan May will be the guest preacher.  The congregation invites our neighboring brothers and sisters to join us on this day of celebration.  Following the worship service, dinner of pulled pork, fried chicken with side dishes, salads and desserts will be offered, many from historic German recipes of congregational members.  Games such as croquet, horseshoes, sack races, bean bag toss and watermelon seed spitting contest will be held.  Card games will also be indoors.  Horse and carriage rides will be offered beginning at noon.

PART TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE:  Lakeview Ministries is in search of additional help for the upcoming retreat season.  As this ministry continues to grow, individuals are needed to assist with Food Service, Housekeeping, and Maintenance.  If you desire to help fill any of these needs, please contact David Vandercar at 812-342-4815 or  These are paid positions that can average 10-30 hours per week.  For more information, please visit

CPH 2017 BIBLE SALE:  Concordia Publishing Company is offering up to 33% off on its new and most popular Bibles and companion books.  Check the bulletin board in the front school hall to see items and prices for this savings offer.  Orders may be given to Becky in the church office.  This sale ends September 30.
1510-Luther sent to Rome on mission for Augustinian order
1511-Luther sent to Wittenberg University to serve as professor, takes over chair of Staupitz at Wittenberg
1512-Luther awarded Doctor of Theology degree, October 18-19

THE BOOKMOBILE will be at White Creek on August 14 and 28 from 9:30-11:30 a.m.  Please update this on your August calendar.

TLHS TRIVIA NIGHT:  Are you a trivia nut?  Round up some friends and family members and join in for a night of fun at Trinity’s 13th annual Trivia Night on Saturday, August 26, at 7:00 p.m. in the Bollinger Gymnasium.  Not only will you get a chance to prove what you know, but you’ll also be entered to win some great prizes!  On sale now in Trinity’s school office, tickets cost $12 per person or $72 per table.  Please call 812-524-5847 for tickets or speak to one of the students traveling on the English Expedition.

STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK:                      Matthew 14:17-18              
“They said to him, ‘We have only five loaves here and two fish.’  And he said, ‘Bring them here to me.’”  When the disciples held on to the five loaves and two fish – that’s exactly what they had.  But when they handed them over to the Lord, the multitudes are fed.  Apart from Jesus all we do and all we have is nothing – but in Jesus all we do and have is blessed to be used by the Lord for His gracious work.