Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March 18 Weekly News

LENT CONTINUES with midweek worship Wednesday at 7 PM. The Youth will be serving a chili/hot dog/baked potato supper before worship, beginning at 5:45 PM.

PORTALS OF PRAYER devotions for April – June will be available from the ushers after today’s worship.

BLESSINGS TO Zak Blackwood, Tyler Meyer, and Matt Sullivan who were baptized this past Wednesday evening after worship and Matt, Kelly, and Savanna Sullivan who were confirmed, also after Wednesday’s worship. A big welcome to all of these individuals to our White Creek family!

PERSONS WHO volunteered on the Time & Talent Survey to help maintain the church/school grounds are asked to please meet briefly in the church after worship today.

PERSONS WHO would like to put spring flowers on the altar or in the narthex for Easter are asked to contact Karen Schlehuser (342-6140) Flowers may be purchased individually or through Karen.

INSTEAD OF candy donations, our Sunday School is seeking monetary donations to help purchase devotion books for the Sunday School children for Easter. Donations may be given to Lori Hill, Tammy Claycamp, or Becky in the church office.

SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS are reminded that they will meet at Bob Evans Restaurant at 5:30 PM TODAY for supper and will then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and fellowship.

APRIL CALENDAR AND NEWS ITEMS need to be given to Becky by Tuesday.

“MANY THANKS TO all for the prayers, cards, hugs, and many kindnesses shown to me at the death of my dear sister, Wanda Maxie. I am truly blessed to be surrounded by so many caring people!” – Karen Burbrink

TRINITY’S TRAVELING CABARET: Trinity’s music and drama students will be taking a show on the road! Join us for an evening of music, dancing, song, and laughter at one of three locations: Trinity, Immanuel Lutheran School, or St. Paul Lutheran Church, Clifty. The preview performance, “A Sweet Delight,” will be presented on April 26 at 7 PM in Trinity’s Bollinger Gymnasium. Ticket cost is $10/person, which includes a modified show and dessert. For an even fuller experience, join Trinity’s Traveling Cabaret at St. Paul, Clifty, on Saturday, April 28, or at Immanuel Lutheran School on Sunday, April 29, for a catered meal and show. Both performances of “Twilight Talents” begin at 5 PM. Ticket cost is $15/person. Tickets will go on sale April 2 through the Trinity school office, 812-524-8547.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Baby Otte is here!!!


The Otte Family is blessed to annouce the arrival of Charlotte Opal Otte.
 6# 1oz, 19 inches.

 God has truly blessed us. 

Keep Kristie in your prayers

Kristie Wessel got her test results today. They are pleased to see that her chest is clear!

However, there is a new spot- lymph node in her stomach- that is a concern.  She will have to have a biopsy.

Please keep her in your prayers, and the entire family, as they wait, and are again facing an uncertain future. May God uphold them with his steadfast love.