TODAY’S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given to the glory of God in thanksgiving and celebration of the 45th wedding anniversary of Jack & Ellen Dunn by their children and grandchildren. God’s continued blessings to you, Jack & Ellen!
MAY CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after today’s worship.
SUNDAY SCHOOL MISSIONS: The offerings from the Sunday School children have provided shipping costs for the 14 shoeboxes of gifts they donated to the Operation Christmas Child and a donation of $33 for supplies to use in the hospital craft kits the students made in
chapel. They are currently collecting offerings for a water buffalo for Heifer International. So far they have a little over $50 of the $250 necessary. If you would like to help them meet this goal, donations may be given to Katie Otte or Becky in the church office.
LADIES AID MEMBERS are reminded of their meeting this Wednesday, April 27, at 9 AM. Jean Voelker will be leading the Bible Study. Guests are always welcome!
WE ARE PLEASED to announce that Mr. James (Jay) Noelker has accepted the call to teach at White Creek Lutheran School. Our prayers are with him as he prepares for his move and for his present school as they seek to find an individual to fill the position he is vacating. We offer God our thanks and praise for providing a gifted and dedicated teacher for our school.
CALL DAY 2016: The seminary call day will be held this Tuesday, April 26. Persons not attending may go online to to take part in the Call Day activities via live stream. The vicarages and internships will take place at 3:00 p.m., with the pastoral calls following at 7:00 p.m. Please keep our student James Rockhill in your prayers as he receives his call. (Jacob Hercamp will be staying at the seminary in Fort Wayne another year to complete more study and will be working in the Systemic and Theology Departments.)
EVERYONE IS INVITED to the Annual Student Art Show being held this yet afternoon at The Shoppes, Seymour, from 1-3 PM. Art work from Trinity students and all artists in the Seymour schools is being featured, as well as student music, and student demonstrations. Today’s show includes a reception sponsored by Tri-Kappa. Come and enjoy this event featuring amazing student artwork and a celebration of the arts!
THE TRINITY FFA CHAPTER will be selling a variety of flowers and vegetable plants tomorrow through Thursday, April 25-28 from 4:00-5:30 p.m. at the Trinity greenhouse. Stop in if you are interested in purchasing some quality plants!
TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL is searching for candidates to coach in the areas of boy’s and girl’s tennis, boy’s basketball and cheerleading. If interested, please bring a resume to the school office or call 812-524-8547 for more details.