Wednesday, October 9, 2013

October 6 Weekly News

THE LUTHERAN WITNESS:  It's time to order/renew subscriptions to the Lutheran Witness magazine.  The rate for 2014 is $16.00.  Please let Becky know by TODAY if you would like to order/renew your subscription.  Checks may be made payable to our church.


THE QUARTERLY VOTERS' MEETING will be held in the Fellowship Room after church TODAY (NO Bible Class).  During the Sunday School year, the voters' meetings will be held at 7:00 PM on the first Sunday after the quarter, but due to the Orphan Grain Train fundraiser, today's meeting will be held after worship.


THE JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH KICK-OFF will be held TODAY after the Sunday School hour.  Meet here at school.


THRIVENT CHOICE:  Please note today's insert regarding the special campaign concerning Thrivent Choice Dollars.  If you are not able to direct your Thrivent Choice Dollars online or by phone, please note that paper forms to sign up for this will be available after worship on Sunday, October 22.


DUE TO FALL BREAK during the next 2 weeks, the church/school office hours will be altered.  Please call to make sure someone is in before you make the trip!


THE LWML FALL RALLY will be held at Grace Lutheran Church, Columbus, on Saturday, October 26, beginning at 8:30 AM.  Penny Letterman and Iris Wittman will share some of their experiences and observations gained on several mission trips they have made to Guatemala.  All ladies are invited.


LWML INGATHERING:  An in-gathering of vitamins (children’s chewable, pre-natal, and adult multi-vitamin) for the mission in Guatemala will be collected at the LWML Fall Rally at Grace Lutheran Church on October 26.  A box is located in the narthex to receive these donations.


A CANCER PINK OUT volleyball game will be held at Trinity Lutheran High School this Thursday, October 10, at 6:00 PM.  Wear your pink and support a great cause while cheering on the Cougars in a rematch of last year's regional championship game.  Donations for cancer patient resources will be collected.


TRINITY OPEN HOUSE:  Trinity Lutheran High School invites students and their families to an open house next Sunday,  October 13, from 2:00-4:00 PM.  All eighth grade students will be entered in a drawing to win a Trinity t-shirt.  Interested eighth grade students will also receive a $75 voucher that covers registration costs at Trinity for the 2014-2015 school year.  Please enter through the Commons.


FALL LUNCHEON AND BAKE SALE:  The Fall Luncheon and Bake Sale to support the counseling ministry of CrossLife Ministries will be held on Friday, October 18, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  The Auxiliary of CrossLife  Ministries will serve chicken casserole, salads, desserts, and drinks at Immanuel Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall.  Free-will donations will be accepted, and persons may dine in or carry out.  Funds raised will be matched by Thrivent Financial.  Call the office of CrossLife Ministries at 812-522-8440 for more information.  “Helping Hands” donation boxes located on the tables will help support Anchor House.


THE CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY KAPELLE choir will perform at St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Friday, November 1, at 7:00PM.  The public is invited.