Monday, March 9, 2015

March 8 Weekly News

WE REJOICE WITH Dan & Jeanne Lienhoop as they bring their son, THEODORE AUGUST LIENHOOP, to be baptized this morning.  Theodore's sponsors are his uncles and aunts, Jason & Tracey Engelau and Adam & Courtney Lienhoop.   God's blessings to you, Theodore!


GOD'S BLESSINGS TO Chancelyn York as she was received into adult confirmation during this past Wednesday's Lenten worship.


PARENTS OF OUR STUDENT CONFIRMANDS are asked to meet briefly after church TODAY.  Please meet in the church office. (This was postponed last Sunday due to the weather.)


YOUTH GROUPS will not meet this evening due to the WCLS Athletic Banquet.  (The Athletic Banquet was also postponed last Sunday.)  They will meet next Sunday evening at 7:00 PM.


GUILD MEMBERS will meet this Tuesday evening at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Room to assemble baskets for our shut-ins.  Guests are always welcome!


OUR FOURTH MIDWEEK LENTEN WORSHIP will be held Wednesday evening at 7 PM.  The Youth will be serving supper before worship, beginning at 5:45 PM.


SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will meet for supper next Sunday evening, March 15, at 5:30 PM and will then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.  Visitors are always welcome! 


ANNIVERSARY CALENDAR CORRECTION:  The class identified as the Class of 1922 in our 175th calendar is actually the Class of 1918.  The members in that class are:  Row one-Carl Runge, Glenn Ellis, Albert Enzinger, and Clarence Burbrink; Row two-Cora Dringenburg Schlehuser, Viola Baumgart Ott, Pastor Baumgart, Hilda Meyer, Hazel Vornholt Meyer, and Selma Rittman Finke;  Row three-Erma Bode Horman, Harry Schneider, Harvey Eckelman, Irene Kreinop, and Emma Sophia Esther Rittman Sawyer.  Many thanks to Marguerite Meyer for finding this error and identifying the individuals by name.


CONGREGATIONAL HISTORY:  Candidate Fick, however, saw the dangers.  He pointed out the differences-the scriptural impossibility of being both a Lutheran and a Reformed congregation.  He convinced the members of the correctness of the Lutheran doctrines, and after six weeks of his ministries, the congregation "resolved henceforth to call itself 'The St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church of White Creek, Indiana.'"


LOOKING FOR CONFIRMATION PICTURES:  The class of 1932 is still needed and also the classes of 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2009, 1990, 1993, 1980, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1976, 1979, 1960, 1968, 1969, 1951, 1954, 1955, 1958, 1940, 1938, 1937, 1935, 1933, 1932, 1931, 1926, 1923, 1921, and 1920.  All pictures from the 1070s that have been turned in have problems with the colors changing.  If you have a professional confirmation class photo from the '70s, please give it to Becky in the church office so it can be scanned.


BIBLE STUDY:  Bless These Lips is an 8-week Bible study examining the things we say that get in the way of our relationships with God and with others.  Each chapter draws on lip-product analogies and uses humor, anecdotes, and observations to introduce Scripture passages that address common behaviors and attitudes.  This study will begin on Wednesday, March 25, from 5:00-6:00 PM in the Fellowship Room.  Contact Jean Jack (714-768-5731) to enroll.


DALLAS KREINHAGEN has been moved to Kindred Health and Rehabilitation Center for rehab.  Cards may be sent to him at the Center's address - 2100 Midway - Room 522, Columbus, IN  47201.


FINANCIAL UPDATE:  Through the first eight weeks of 2015, donations totaled $74,400.  We have updated our 2015 projected expenses (new tuition numbers, etc.), which means that we now need to collect $10,800 per week.  2015 Needed:  $86,400;  2015 Collections:  $74,400;  YTD Shortfall:  $12,000.

The school fund and the general fund each have about $11,000 in their respective checking accounts at the end of February.  Given the previous few weeks of contributions and the amount needed to cover expenses for the year, we are running out of cash to pay the necessary bills.  We had a very strong December and were on track in January, but could quickly be left with only restricted funds and no cash to cover expenses if we don't turn things around.
MANY THANKS TO the following for signing over the refund amounts from their Thrivent disability policies:  Keith & Amy Mensendiek, Mark & Jan Buss, Linda Schroer, and Lindsey Von Fange.  St. John's has received checks totaling $540.25.
CONGRATULATIONS TO Ryan & Emily (Kerkhof) Cremeans on the birth of their son, JOSEPH KEITH CREMEANS, last Monday.  Joseph arrived weighing 8 lbs. 12 ozs. and measuring 21.5 ins.  Everyone is doing fine - God's blessings to them!
***White Creek Lutheran School is currently seeking an individual to fill the role of teacher-departmentalized science, social studies, and religion for grades 6-8.  State licensing is required.  If not Synodically trained, the teacher must be willing to obtain a colloquy.  Please submit resumes to White Creek Lutheran School, 16270 S.  300 W., Columbus, IN  47201 by March 23.  Questions???  Contact Principal Jan Buss at 812-342-6832.
***Zion Lutheran School, Seymour, is seeking candidates for Principal/Director to administer and coordinate all early childhood programs.  If you have a name or know of someone who is qualified, contact the Zion church office by phone at 812-522-1089 or by email at
***The LCMS is seeking candidates for the position of Gift Planning Counselor to work on behalf of the Indiana District of the LCMS.  This position will be responsible for serving LCMS members with an affinity or connection with the District and LCMS ministries within the District as well as other Lutherans who desire to fulfill their Spirit-led drive for generosity by working with them to develop their "Lifetime Plan for Giving."   For the full job description and to apply for this position, please visit  Responses and applications should be received no later than March 22.
WCLS WHIPKER'S MARKET COUPON SALE is now going on.  Persons may order $10 coupons to use on flowers, garden plants, and produce from Whipker's Market this year.  All orders with payments must be received by this coming Friday, March 13.  If paying by check, please make payable to White Creek Lutheran School.  All proceeds from this sale will go to help with expenses for special school projects.  See any WCLS student or check with Becky in the church office.
MEN'S RETREAT:  Attention, Men of God:  Come join us for a weekend filled with fellowship, recreation, and faith-building at this year's Lakeview Ministries Men's Gathering.  This year's retreat on April 10-12 will feature Dr. Robert Bennett speaking on the topic, "They Are Afraid: American Spirituality."  The focus will be on spiritual warfare and how the Lutheran Church should view and handle this topic.  We will also enjoy activities such as fishing and mini-golf tourneys, a chili cook-off and hog roast, and the opportunity to zip line and climb the tower.  For more information, go to or call David Vandercar at 812-498-4742.
TLHS 10TH ANNUAL TRIVIA NIGHT will be held on Saturday, April 11, at 7:00 PM.  Round up a team of six (or join one when you arrive) and answer questions about sports, historical events, famous people, and pop culture.  Snacks, drinks, and door prizes will be provided.  Cost is $12/person or $72/table.  Stop by Trinity's office or call 812-524-TLHS to reserve your tickets.  Everyone invited!