Monday, February 10, 2014

February 9 Weekly News

WE REJOICE WITH Mark & Richelle Bushur as they bring their daughter, KAROLINE EMMA GRACE BUSHUR, to be baptized this morning.  Karoline's sponsors are Tim & Megan Dooms.  God's blessings to you, Karoline!


SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will meet for supper next Sunday, February 16, at Bob Evans at 5:30 PM and then come back to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.


PHIL'S FRIENDS will meet next Sunday, February 16, for card-making, followed by the Youth meetings at 7:00 PM.


THE YOUTH will be providing Valentines Date Night babysitting for children through 5th grade this Friday, February 14, from 6:00-10:00 PM.  Bring your children to our school gym and enjoy a night out!  A free-will donation will be accepted.  Snacks (not a meal) will be provided.


AN ALUMINUM CAN DRIVE will be held this coming weekend, February 14-16.  A trailer will be parked on the church/school grounds to receive items.


THE BOARD OF EDUCATION will meet on Wednesday, February 19, after the worship service (7:35 PM).


THE LLL SPRING BANQUET will be held on Sunday, March 2, at St. Paul's, Jonesville.  Registration will begin at 5:30 PM, followed by the meal, entertainment, elections, and the guest speaker.  See Keith Mensendiek for tickets ($15/person).


VOLUNTEER TRAINING:  The Pregnancy Care Center will offer volunteer training Monday, March 3, to cover the history and vision of the PCC, and five additional sessions to cover communication techniques, pregnancy options counseling guidelines, role playing, etc. Wednesday and Thursday evenings, March 5-March 13, from 6:00-9:00 PM.  For more information, contact Christy Shaw at 812-378-4114 or


CONCORDIA PUBLISHING HOUSE is offering a discount on the Bible Handbook for Students through May 31 - $19.99 + s/h ($4 off the regular price).  This reference tool provides information about the people, places, customs and traditions, and life in Biblical times, as well as including articles, genealogies, illustrations, maps, etc. that provide additional detail for personal, group, or class study.  Go to to order or contact Becky in the office, and she would be glad to order it for you.


ASSET AUCTION:  Trinity Lutheran High School will hold an Asset Auction for the general public on Saturday, March 29, at the Betty Shepman farm on Hwy 50 in Seymour across from Applebee's.  The auction will begin at 9:00 AM with auctioneer Fred Pollert, of Pollert's, Inc., and food will be served throughout the day.  The Asset Auction effort is called "Renew Their Strength" with all proceeds raised at the auction being applied towards the debt on the original school loan for Trinity.  Some ideas on assets that you could donate include, a car, truck, tractor, motorcycle, camper, RV, jewelry, tools, antiques, collectibles, coins, guns, art, business equipment, livestock for slaughter, seed on deposit, farming equipment, furniture, lawn or garden equipment, clean property, stocks and bonds, paid up life insurance policies, etc.  All motorized vehicles and property need to have a clean and transferrable title.  Stocks and bonds that may be donated to Trinity will be sold immediately by Trinity.  A tax receipt for your gift will be mailed to you after the auction is complete.  Drop-off date for items at the Betty Shepman farm will be Saturday, March 1, and Saturday, March 8, from 9:00 AM-4:00 PM.  If you would like to support the students of Trinity through this effort, please contact our Asset Auctions volunteer, Keith Mensendiek  (342-4981), Asset Auction co-chairs, John & Pam Fox (342-1323), or Trinity's Development Director, Michael Bridges (812-343-3352).