Monday, June 16, 2014

June 15 Weekly News

TODAY'S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given by Mark & Jan Buss in thanksgiving to God and celebration of their 40th wedding anniversary today.   God's continued blessings to them!


CALENDAR CORRECTION:  Senior League does not meet in June.  Their next regular supper/meeting will be on July 20.


LWML INGATHERING:  An ingathering of canned foods and non-perishable food items will be held to be taken to the Indiana District LWML convention this coming weekend, June 20-22 at Lafayette. A box is in our narthex to receive items.  Please have items in by THIS Wednesday, June 18.


PARENTS OF our WCLS students are reminded to pick up report cards and lunch statements TODAY if you have not already done so.  They are available on the table in the office.


MANY THANKS TO Dean & Clara Claycamp for their donation of the two pastors' chairs for the altar area.


CARD SHOWER:  Kristie remains in the hospital in Texas following her stem cell transplant.  Please mail her a card of encouragement this week and let her know we are all thinking and praying for her.  The Wessel address is 11991 Main St., Box 99, Houston, TX  77035.


BRICKS:  Orders are again being taken for bricks for our sidewalk and memory garden from now through Labor Day.  Cost is $100/brick.  To order, contact Ernie & Donna Dettmer or Larry & Janice Claycamp.  Bricks will be placed in October.   If you would


like to see design options that are available for the bricks, contact Becky in the church office.


DEPOSITS OF $30.00 and $637.00  have been made to the church and school accounts on behalf of Thrivent Financial's Thrivent Choice Program by the directed dollars of the following:  Kay Clow, Ernie Dettmer, Doyce & Becky Eckelman, Richard Hercamp, Paul & Janice Hoffman, Kathy Kerkhof, Mariagnes Meyer, Mike & Kathy Sanders, and Matt Taulman.


TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL is looking for a boys tennis coach for this fall.  All interested applicants should bring a resume to the school or contact Aaron Rudzinski at 812-524-8547.


ART CAMP:  Trinity  Lutheran High School will be having an art camp next week, Monday, June 23-Wednesday, June 25, from 2:00-3:30 PM for children entering 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grade this fall.  Cost is $30.  A large scale Pop Art Self Portrait utilizing painting and printmaking techniques while learning about America's most popular pop artists will be the project.  An art show on Wednesday from 3:30-4:00 to view the finished pieces, enjoy light refreshments, and talk with the artists will conclude the camp.  Call the Trinity office at 812-524-8547 to reserve a spot and get further instructions - there is a limit of 15 children, first come, first serve basis.


IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH AND SCHOOL in Higginsville, Missouri will be hosting a potluck dinner for Pastor Marcus Jauss on Sunday, June 29, as he celebrates 30 years in the ministry.  Our congregation is invited to join in this celebration by attendance, prayers, cards, etc.  If you would like to send a card to the church, the address is Immanuel Lutheran Church, 15th & Lipper Ave., Higginsville, MO  64037.


REDS/METS BASEBALL GAME: A sign-up sheet has been posted on the bulletin board in the front hall of school for those persons who would like to purchase  tickets for the September 7 baseball game between the Cincinnati Reds and the New York Mets at Cincinnati.  Ticket price is $22.50/person.  Questions???  Contact Michelle  Barnett (342-3780 or 390-7610).  Persons who order tickets are asked to pay for them immediately (checks payable to White Creek Lutheran School) as this has been charged to our school’s credit card.