Monday, December 23, 2013

December 22 Weekly News

TODAY IS THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN ADVENT.   We light the fourth candle on the Advent wreath, the candle of love, which symbolizes Christ's love.  "For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life."  John 3:16


PORTALS OF PRAYER devotional booklets for January - March  are available in the narthex.


JANUARY CALENDARS AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after today's worship.


THIS WEEK'S CHRISTMAS WORSHIP:  Worship will be held Christmas Eve at 4:30 PM, with the Children's Christmas Eve Program to begin at 6:30 PM (pre-service music at 6:15 PM).  Worship with Holy Communion will be held Christmas Day, beginning at 10:30 AM.  There will be no Wednesday evening worship Christmas night.


THERE WILL BE NO Sunday School or Bible Class next Sunday, December 29.


NEW YEAR'S EVE WORSHIP with Holy Communion will be held at 7:00 PM.


BULLETIN ITEMS for next week need to be given to Becky by tomorrow.  Due to Christmas Break, the church/school office hours will be altered for the next two weeks.  Please call to make sure someone is in before you make the trip!


ALTAR GUILD:  Volunteers are needed to serve on the Altar Guild.  If you would be able to help one month of the year (either the two Sundays of the month, or the two Wednesdays), please contact Cari Hercamp at 812-528-0547.  If you are currently on the Altar Guild list, please let Cari know whether you would like to continue serving.


POINSETTIAS have been given in memory of loved ones by the following:

     *Carol Thompson by Bill Thompson & Family

     *Franklin & Frances Burbrink, Orville & Edna Bode, Glen and Steve Bode by Dale & Bettie Burbrink

     *Ed & Alma Dettmer by Paul & Gloria Dettmer, Ken & Sharon Dettmer, and Jim & Sheri Dettmer

     *Nancy, Paul, and Leon Ferguson by Jackie & Steve Shroyer

     *Jasper Musillami and Robert & Olga Behrman by Mike & Ruth Musillami

     *Don &  Fazenda Darlage and Louis & Anita Voelker by Lou & Jean Voelker

     *Chet & Edna Bode by Ken & Kyra Bode & Family

     *Bernice Bode by Ken & Kyra Bode & Family

     *Ben & Mabel Burbrink by Bob & Karen Burbrink & Family

     *Rev. O.W. Linnemeier, Don Linnemeier, Bob & Erna Schlehuser, and Alan Schlehuser by Leon & Joan Schlehuser

     *Alan Schlehuser by Terry, Ruth, and Betsy Schlehuser

     *Henry Roettger by Terry, Ruth, and Betsy Schlehuser

     *Loved ones by Mary Anne Schneider

     *Russell & Margaret Foster, Bob & Erna Schlehuser, and Alan Schlehuser by Jim & Karen Schlehuser


CONGRATULATIONS TO Josh & Dishi Dettmer on the birth of their son, JACOB NIKHIL, born on December 4.  Jacob arrived weighing 7 lbs. 13 ozs. and measuring 19 ins.  Everyone is doing fine.  God's blessings to them!  If you would like to send congratulations, Josh & Dishi's address is 663 Par Drive, Jacksonville, NC  28540.


"DOUBLE DIRECT" CAMPAIGN:  Our congregation made the "Top Ten" list of congregations that received Thrivent Choice dollars as a result of the "Double Direct" campaign during October and November.  Members directed $8,872 Thrivent Choice dollars to St. John's, which was doubled for a total of $17,744 in Thrivent Choice dollars.  What a blessing for our congregation!


DEPOSITS OF $83.00 and $87.00 have been made to the church and school accounts on behalf of the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans'  Thrivent Choice program.  Those members directing their Choice Dollars include:  Jan Buss, Clara Claycamp, Becky Eckelman, Keith Mensendiek, Aaron Voelker, Jean Voelker.


FINANCIAL UPDATE:  Approximately $70,000 is needed in December to close out our year.  We have collected $32,780 the first three Sundays, leaving a balance of $37,220 still needed.  Please give this your prayerful consideration as the year comes to an end. - Mark Buss, General Fund Treasurer

Harrison shares Christmas message of hope, thanks | LCMS News & Articles

Harrison shares Christmas message of hope, thanks | LCMS News & Articles