Monday, August 1, 2016

July 31 Weekly News

WE COME IN PRAYER:  Heavenly Father, God of all grace, waken our hearts that we may never forget Your blessings, but daily thank and praise You for all Your goodness, that we may live glorifying Your name and providing for the needs of others until the day You return and take us into Your eternal Kingdom.  This we pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.


TODAY’S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given in thanksgiving and celebration of the marriage of Cody & Mikayla Ross yesterday.  May God grant you many blessings and happy years together, Cody & Mikayla!


WE REJOICE in the baptisms of two babies today as Paul & Amy Blomenberg bring their daughter, MARY ELIZABETH, and Brent & Lora Waskom bring their daughter, AMELIA ROSE, to be baptized.  Mary’s sponsors are her uncle and aunt, Logan & Emila Fowler, and Amelia’s sponsors are cousin, Christina Claycamp, and family friend, Kyle Kerkhof.  God’s blessings to these precious little ones!


AUGUST CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after today’s worship.


ALL CONGREGATION MEMBERS are invited/asked to come over to the school after today’s worship to visit a classroom or multiple classrooms, stop at a student’s or teacher’s desk, and pray for that child of God as we begin a new school year.  Sample prayers will be provided in every classroom.  Please join us as we work together to help our children grow in faith and knowledge.


A BIBLE STUDY SURVEY was emailed to members again this past week.  Please return your responses by email or to the church office by August 31.  Hard copies of this survey are available in the narthex for those who do not have email access.  This survey is an attempt to increase knowledge about Bible Study opportunities here at St. John’s and encourage members to be in His Word.  Please give this survey your prayerful consideration.


THE DEADLINE for submitting a pastor’s name for call consideration is past.  If a call is completed and then declined, the call committee will reconsider adding additional names at that time.


THERE WILL BE a Church Foundation meeting after worship on Sunday, August 28.


TRINITY DUES:  If you have not yet given your Trinity dues ($16/communicant member), please do so as soon as possible.  A special envelope is provided in your offering envelope box.


ANYONE INTERESTED in sharing their musical talents at the upcoming Church Picnic on August 21 by singing or playing an instrument are asked to contact Greg Hercamp at 812-525-7255.


MEMORY BRICKS are available to order now through Labor Day ($100/brick).  Contact Ernie & Donna Dettmer or Larry & Janice Claycamp if interested in ordering.  Check with Becky in the office if you would like to see engraving designs.


FAITH & FITNESS CLASSES:  A new 10 week session of exercise classes will begin this week and will include studying a book called The Body Tithe to provide spiritual encouragement for your fitness journey.  Classes include Senior Strength on Mondays at 2 p.m., and on Thursdays, Senior Chair Yoga at 2 p.m., Pump at 3:30 p.m., and Christian Yoga at 6 p.m.  Check the flyer in the front hall of school for a description of these classes.  Questions???  Contact Janet Morey at 812-350-6238.


AN EVANGELISM CONFERENCE will be held at Our Shepherd Lutheran Church in Avon on September 9 and 10 with the theme, “Confessing Christ in a Contrary Culture.”  Rev. Dr. Lawrence R. Rast, Jr., President of Concordia Theological Seminary, will be the keynote speaker.  Cost per person is $45 which includes a dinner on Friday night and lunch on Saturday.  After August 26, registration will be $55 per person.  A conference schedule and registration forms are available in our church office.