A SMALL GROUP BIBLE STUDY is being held in the Fellowship Room
on Tuesday nights from 7-8:30 PM. Join
us for God’s Word, prayer, fellowship, snacks, and fun! Discussion topics will vary from week to
week. Babysitting will be available for
a small fee ($2/child). Please contact
Whitney Vandercar (812-371-3983) with questions. No need to enroll – come anytime!
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL registration forms were passed out
during Sunday School this morning.
Please complete and return the forms to the church office by Sunday, May
6. Forms are available in the office. Group leaders and group helpers are
needed. Contact Pastor Cook or Becky if
you would be interested in helping.
LADIES AID MEMBERS are reminded of their workday/meeting
this Wednesday, April 25, beginning at 9 a.m.
(Bible study and meeting begin at 11 a.m.)
THE BOARD OF EDUCATION will meet next Sunday, April 29,
after the worship service.
DEPOSITS OF $365.00 and $605.00 have been made to
our church and school accounts, respectively, on behalf of the Thrivent
Financial for Lutherans’ Thrivent Choice ® program. Those who directed their choice dollars to
the church include: Mildred Behrman, Lloyd & Jean Meyer, Delbert &
Carolyn Peters, and Brian & Annette Purdue.
members directing choice dollars to our school include: Ken & Kyra Bode,
Greg Burbrink, Phil Burbrink, Jan Buss, Kay Clow, Jack Dunn, Ronald Ebenkamp,
Peggy Loyd, Keith & Amy Mensendiek, David & Cheryl Mensendiek, Michael
Mensendiek, Glen Meyer, Greg Meyer, Wayne & Melanie Meyer, Dorothy Otte,
Herman & Marie Otte, Ben Peters, Kathy Sanders, Brad Schlehuser, Joan
Schlehuser, Karen Schlehuser, Terry Schlehuser, Don Schroer, Herb Stiltz, Louis
Voelker, and Joel Wise.
A HANDS-ON WORKSHOP that will encourage each of us to
practice Godly money management is being offered by St. Peter’s Lutheran
Church, Columbus, next Saturday, April 28, from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Emphasis will be put on the basic principles
of generous living, building savings, ditching debt, and spending smart. Registration is due by 2 p.m. TODAY. Persons may register online at www.stpeters-online.org.
(PayPal is accepted.) Cost is
$15/person or $25/couple.
“DEAR WHITE CREEK FAMILY, Greetings from the Mile High
City. I have been blessed with the
opportunity to proclaim the Gospel at Denver’s Lutheran High School over the
past four years. This spring I will be
running in the annual LutheRun. This is
a 5K race that benefits the school’s tuition assistance fund. Would you prayerfully consider supporting the
LutheRun by sponsoring me? Any amount is
welcome. If you are unable to support
Lutheran High financially, please consider supporting us with your
prayers. May God continue to bless the
White Creek family!” – Paul Blomenberg (Class of 1999). (To sponsor Paul, donations may be made
online at www.championevents.donordrive.com/event/LHS12
Donations may also be mailed to Lutheran High School, 11249 N. Newlin
Gulch Blvd., Parker, CO 80134.)
A GOLF SCRAMBLE, sponsored by the Youth Group of St.
Peter, Waymansville, will be held at the Hickory Hills Golf Course, Brownstown,
on Saturday, May 5. Registration begins
at 8 a.m. with tee off at 9 a.m. Cost is
$40/person, which includes 18 holes of golf, cart, food, drink, and a prize for
playing. Please call A.J. Trimpe at
498-0580 or Adam Otte at 498-3056 for more information or if you would like to
sponsor a hole for $50.
BASEBALL TICKETS: If you have not yet paid for your
tickets for the August 19 Reds/Cubs game, please do so as soon as
possible. Checks may be made payable to
our school. Ticket price totals are
available in the office. Tickets will be distributed as soon as they arrive.