WE REJOICE WITH Matthew & April May as they bring
their son, TUCKER MICHAEL, to be baptized this morning. Tucker's sponsors are his aunt and uncle,
Colleen & Roger Hughes, and uncle, Tony Luenebrink. God's blessings to you, Tucker!
OUR SECOND MIDWEEK Lenten worship with Holy Communion
will be held this Wednesday at 7:00 PM. The Guild will be serving a soup supper
(taco, vegetable, chicken, chili) and desserts before the service, beginning at
5:45 PM.
LENTEN DEVOTION BOOKS, written by the students of Trinity
Lutheran High School, are available in the narthex. (This year they are not being mailed directly
to homes.) Please help yourself.
SENIOR LEAGUE will meet next Sunday, March 16, at
5:30 PM for supper and then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly
meeting and socializing.
PHIL'S FRIENDS will gather for card-making next
Sunday, March 16, at 6:00 PM, followed by the Youth groups at 7:00 PM.
and author Daniel Lepley will be leading an On Our Origins workshop on
faith, science, creation, and Christ at Redeemer Lutheran Church, Seymour, this
coming weekend, March 14-15. Designed
for adults, high school and college students, this event will equip Christians
to defend their faith in a secular world.
Registration is $20 for adults, $15 for pastors, teachers and
students. Registration forms are
available in the narthex, or persons may register online at www.onourorigins.org. For more details, check out the website.
ST. PETER'S Lutheran School, Columbus, is preparing for
an Alumni Celebration on May 17, 2014, and is trying to reach as many alumni as
possible to establish an up-to-date and accurate alumni directory. Please send any current information of SPLS
alumni (yourself, sons and daughters, other relatives) to
alumni@stpeters-columbus.org, including name (maiden also, if married),
address, telephone number, and graduating year, if possible.
Seymour, will be having a "Sweet Spring Time Open House"
Thursday-Saturday, March 13-15. Hours
will be 9:00 AM-5:00 PM on Thursday and Friday, and 10:00 AM-2:00 PM on
Saturday. Lots of spring fashions and
items will be for sale, and refreshments will be served. Come out and do some bargain shopping and
support Trinity Lutheran High School!
AUCTION: Trinity Lutheran High School will hold an
Asset Auction for the general public on Saturday, March 29, at the Betty
Shepman farm on highway 50 in Seymour across from Applebee’s. The auction will begin at 9:00 AM with
auctioneer Fred Pollert, of Pollert’s, Inc., and food will be served throughout
the day. The Asset Auction effort is
called “Renew Their Strength” with all proceeds raised at the auction being
applied toward the debt on the original school loan for Trinity. Join in the fun and find that special
treasure you’ve been looking for. There will
be some special desserts too!
Mallory Meyer will be having a Car/Truck/Tractor Show and Silent Auction
on Saturday, March 29, in the church
parking lot as her senior project. The
show will begin at 10:00 AM, with judging and silent auction ending at 1:00
PM. It is open to hot rods, trucks,
tractors, etc. with a $10 entry fee.
Chili, hot dogs, and drinks will be available for purchase. All proceeds will go to Kristie Wessel and
her family as she continues her battle against Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. A Be The Match drive will also take
place as well in order to raise awareness for blood cancers and the need for
stem cell/bone marrow donors. In case of
inclement weather, the show will be held on Saturday, April 5.
MEN'S RENDEZVOUS RETREAT: Calling all MEN: Come join us for our 2nd
Annual Men's Rendezvous Retreat at Lakeview Villages on March 28-30. Pastor Dan Lepley will be the keynote speaker
and will be discussing his book, On Our
Origins. Other activities will
include mini-golf and fishing tournaments, climbing tower and zip line, guest
presenters that will host sectionals on fly fishing, firearm safety, smoking
meat, and much more. Go to
www.camplakeview.com and click on the link for the Men's Rendezvous for more
information and to print off a registration brochure. Call Dave Vandercar at 812-498-4742 with any