Thursday, July 14, 2011

*Update on Melisa Carothers*

Update:Melisa is out of surgery as of 5pm. The surgeon said that he was happy about how things went. The family will get to see her in a couple of hours. We thank God for his care for Melisa, and pray that he would bless her with a speedy recovery.

Melisa is to return to the hospital at 7am tomorrow, for surgery scheduled at nine.  She will be having open heart surgery for the replacement of two heart valves.  Please pray for peace and comfort for Melisa tonight and tomorrow morning- May God surround her with encouragement and reassurance of His love for her.  Pray also for wisdom and skill for the medical professionals tomorrow, a successful surgery, and smooth recovery.

Jesus, hold Melisa close, and continue to carry her and those she loves through this trial.

more prayers needed

Please pray for the Wessel family.  Kristie had her check-up, and received bad news: the spot seems to have grown since last time.  She is being sent to a specialist on Monday to determine the next course of action.  Please keep her and the whole family in your prayers.

Please also continue to pray for Melisa Carothers during her time at the Mayo Clinic.  She is still undergoing testing.

Come unto Me, Ye Weary
By: William C. Dix

"Come unto me, ye weary, 
And I will give your rest."
O blessed voice of Jesus,
Which comes to hearts opprest!
It tells of benediction,
Of pardon, grace, and peace,
Of joy that has no ending, 
Of love that cannot cease.

"Come unto me, ye fainting,
And I will give you life."
O cheering voice of Jesus,
Which comes to aid our strife!
The foe is stern and eager, 
The fight is fierce and long;
But thou hast made us mighty 
And stronger than the strong.

Hymn # 345 from Lutheran Worship, verses 1 and 3
Author: J. A. Anthes Tune: Anthes 1st Published in: 1867

Prayers for the Rockhill family

White Creek family, please remember to pray for the Rockhill family.

Michele Rockhill is Dave Vandercar's sister.  She and her husband James will soon be returning to the US from Korea with their daughter Eliza, to await the birth of their daughter Delia.  Delia suffers from anencephaly, and is expected to die before birth or shortly thereafter.

Please visit Shell's blog for updates and pictures.

Big sister Eliza, little sister Delia, sharing precious time together

Father, please uphold these parents as they love their sick child Delia; let the short time they have with her be a time not just of sadness, but of love, as they experience Your care for them even in difficultly.  Thank You, Father, for loving even the littlest of children, even the sick and the unborn.  Uphold all of us as we try to imitate Your love, and as we see how far our love falls short.  Thank You Lord, for Your promises of faithfulness and grace, for carrying Your people through the darkest valleys.  Thank you for Jesus, who died and rose for the littlest lambs, and the big lambs too.  Sustain the Rockhill family through the coming days of trial, and equip us to share their burden with them, through Your Son Jesus.  Amen.

The parable of the sower

Read Matthew 13:1-23

Listen to Sunday's sermon here.

Heavenly Father,
Blessed are we, for we have heard Your Word.  You did not look only upon the sins of our hearts;You did not withhold your seed, though we are hard and rocky soil.  You graciously scatter the seed of Your Word in all places, and let it fall on all ears, because grace is given to all people in Your Son Jesus.  It is Your strong Word of Law that breaks up the hard soil of our hearts, and it is Your strong word of Gospel that gives us life.  Grant us hearts to receive that Word and hold it fast.  Cultivate us, Lord, prune us with your Law and feed us with Your Gospel, that we may grow in faith towards you and fervent love for one another, through Jesus.  Amen.

Monday, July 11, 2011

July 10 Weekly News

MANY THANKS TO Pastor Cook and Tina Wise for providing special music today.

THE QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING will be held THIS MORNING after worship in the Fellowship Room. All confirmed members, 18 and older, are encouraged to attend.

PASTOR COOK & FAMILY will be leaving on vacation this afternoon and will return on Monday, July 25. If pastoral care is needed during this time, please contact Pastor Brandt (372-9597) or Pastor Keinath (522-8440). Pastor Brandt will be leading the next two Wednesday evening worships and the next two Sunday services.

SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS are reminded to meet next Sunday evening at 5:30 PM at Bob Evans Restaurant, West Hill. Members will then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and card playing.

CHURCH/SCHOOL WORKDAY: Two dates have been set to work on the church/school grounds: July 22 (Friday) at 5:30 PM and July 23 (Saturday) at 8:00 AM. Please bring brooms, dustpans, power washers, and paintbrushes. One goal will be to clean and paint all stair railings.

“MANY THANKS TO ALL for the prayers and beautiful cards I received during my recent surgery and now recovery. I am so blessed to have such caring family and friends!” – Betty McCrory

STUDENTS who are planning to attend Trinity Lutheran High School this coming school year are reminded to complete and return the Ladies Aid scholarship application to the church office by July 31. (Forms were mailed the end of June.)

A DEPOSIT OF $158.00 has been made to our school by the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Thrivent Choice Program from the directed dollars of the following: Ken & Kyra Bode, Keith & Amy Mensendiek, Michael Mensendiek, James Newkirk, Ben Peters, Brad Schlehuser, Terry Schlehuser, and Lindsey Von Fange. A deposit of $85.00 was also made to the church account by the following directed dollars: Mildred Behrman, Dale & Bettie Burbrink, and Lloyd Meyer.

THE PREGNANCY CARE CENTER of Jackson County will host an Open House at their new facility at 502 S. Walnut St., Seymour, on Saturday, July 23, from 10:00 AM – Noon. Everyone invited. For more information, contact Center Manager, Marge Miller, at 812-524-1900.


Pastor Cook: Mrs. Buss: Becky: