Monday, February 27, 2017

February 26 Weekly News

PASTOR WHITMORE would like to begin an adult instruction class soon for those who would like to learn more about our Lutheran doctrine and become communicant members of our congregation.  Those interested are asked to contact Pastor at 712-303-1256 or as soon as possible so dates/times can be coordinated.


THE SEASONS are quickly changing!  This Wednesday, March 1 is Ash Wednesday, marking the beginning of the penitential season of Lent.  As such, we will be having a service with the imposition of ashes that evening at 7:00 p.m. in place of our normal Wednesday evening service.  In addition, special services will be held every Wednesday in Lent following the theme, Behold, Your King: Meditations on Select Royal Psalms.  We will be following the Order

of Compline, and there will be no communion during these midweek services (we will be having communion every Sunday during March).  Supper will be held before the services on March 8, March 29, and April 5, beginning at 5:45 p.m.  May God bless the changing of the seasons and ever hold His cross before our eyes as we await our King and the kingdom that He has promised us.  To Him alone be glory forever.  Amen.


HAVE YOU EVER wanted to speak to someone about their church attendance, but couldn’t find the words to say?  Have you ever been concerned about those who are not coming to the Lord’s house and wanted to do something about it?  As we continue to walk together in a common faith, St. John’s Evangelism Committee is looking for those in the congregation who would like to help in our effort to reach those in our congregation who have become inactive in their worship life for one reason or another.  We will be offering a training course to aid in conversing with our brothers and sisters who are not regularly meeting with us for divine worship.  The training will take place the last week of March at a time that is to be decided.  May God bless you as you consider this opportunity for strengthening our life together in Christ. 


MARCH CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available from the ushers after today’s worship.



Foundation – after worship; please meet in the front pews

Elders and Ushers – after worship; please meet in the back pews

School Funding Committee, Large Group – 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Room.  The Focus Group findings will be discussed.


“MANY THANKS to all for the prayers and cards given for me as I was hospitalized in Texas.  I so appreciate your many kindnesses!” – Harriett Meyer


A SCHOOL question/suggestion box is available in the church narthex for the use of St. John’s members.