Monday, June 11, 2018

June 10 Weekly News

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL will be held here at White Creek this week, Monday-Thursday, 6:00-8:00 p.m. each evening for children age 4-6th grade.  Questions???  Please contact Jessica Morphew at 812-343-9110.

YOUTH MEAL DEALS:  Sign-up sheets are on the table in the narthex for the silent auction to bid on the “Meal Deals.”  Several bids have already been received, so check the sheets each week to stay in the running!  The highest bidders will be announced after church on June 24 and will be able to pay for and pick up their “Meal Deal” at that time.  Many thanks to all for your support which will help with expenses to attend the 2019 LCMS Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, MN, next summer!

A BAKE SALE will be held by the Senior High Youth next Sunday, June 17, after worship.  Come and buy a special treat for Dad!

THE BABY BOTTLE CAMPAIGN ends next Sunday, Father’s Day, June 17.  Bottles may be placed in the container in the narthex and will be returned to Clarity.  Your giving will make a tremendous difference for pregnant women and for their children.  Every filled baby bottle is a gift that helps to save a life.  Join in and make a difference, one life at a time.

INGATHERING:  The 27th Biennial Convention of the LWML Indiana District will be held June 29 - July 1 at Valparaiso University.  Items to donate for the ingathering include:                                       
***Personal care items for women                                                           
***New and gently used  baby and toddler items-clothing up to 3T, diapers through size 5/6, and diapering supplies and bottles                                         
***Non-perishable canned or boxed food, smaller boxes of cereal, canned meat (no paper products)                                                                                                      
Donations may be dropped off in our narthex by June 24.  

SUICIDE PREVENTION TRAINING will be offered at St. Paul, Borchers, on Tuesday, June 19, at 7:00 pm.  This training uses the QPR (question…persuade…refer) method for suicide prevention.  This is not a form of counseling or treatment, but is intended to help all people be prepared to offer hope through positive action if you know of someone who may be thinking about suicide.  Questions??? Contact Stephen Wood, Pastor of St. Paul (812-522-7364).

GOLF OUTING:  Trinity Lutheran High School will host its 15th Annual Cougar Classic Golf Outing on Saturday, June 30, at Shadowood Golf Course in Seymour.  The 18-hole, 4-person best-ball outing will be complete with carts, contests, prizes, and an awards luncheon.  The cost per golfer is $60 ($50 for alumni and current students).  Registrations must be received by Thursday, June 28.  Brochures are available in our narthex or persons may register online at or by calling Aaron Rudzinski at 812-524-8547.

CHURCH OFFICE HOURS will be flexible through July 13.  Please call before you come to make sure someone is in.