Monday, May 7, 2018

May 6 Weekly News

PASTOR WHITMORE will be attending the Southern Indiana Pastors’ Conference at Lakeview Ministries Monday – Wednesday of this week.

THERE WILL BE a brief meeting in church after worship next Sunday, May 13, for the Thrivent members who have contributed Choice Dollars to our church.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL will be held here at White Creek June 11-14, 6:00-8:00 p.m. each evening for children age 4-6th grade.  Please register online at by next Sunday, May 13. 

VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to plan/help with VBS lessons, snacks, crafts, and outdoor fun. Contact Jessica Morphew (812-343-9110) and let her know which activity you would like to help with. Come and enjoy four evenings of fun and fellowship with God’s children!

CHURCH BEAUTIFICATION will be having a grounds clean-up next Saturday, May 12, starting at 9:00 am. Please bring gardening tools (rakes, shovels, pruning shears, etc.) to help make the clean-up go quicker.  All help, young and old, is needed!  Contact Brian Schultz for more details.

COPIES OF the church constitution by-laws and amendments proposal are available in the narthex slot or our church office.  Please help yourself.

THE BABY BOTTLE CAMPAIGN for Clarity helps women facing an unplanned pregnancy to find the hope and support they need to welcome their babies into the world.  It’s easy to participate!  Just pick up a baby bottle next Sunday, Mother’s Day, in the narthex and fill it with coins, cash, or a check over the next several weeks.  Bring it back to church by Father’s Day, June 17, and know that your giving is making a positive difference for the women and children of our community.  Every filled baby bottle is a gift that helps to save a life.  Join in and make a difference, one life at a time.

WHITE CREEK LUTHERAN SCHOOL is still accepting pre-enrollment for the 2018-2019 school year.  Forms are available in the school office.

NEW ACOLYTE ROBES have been purchased, with thanks given to the Kreinhagen family for designating a portion of Dallas’s memorials to cover this cost.

CRAFTING NIGHT will be held at the home of Cathy Bontrager this Thursday, May 10, at 6:30 p.m.  Anyone who would like to help is invited!

WHITE CREEK RESALE AND VENDOR FAIR will be held  Saturday, May19, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in our school gym.  To reserve a space (indoor and outdoor space available) for your own resale items, or represent your business, contact Katie Otte at 812-341-5333.  Drop off for “$1 or best offer” donations will be in the gym on Friday, May 18, after school.  Volunteers are needed Friday afternoon and throughout the sale!  Contact Katie if you would like to help.

TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL is having a fundraiser this Monday and Tuesday, May 7 and 8, from 4:00-10:00 pm at Texas Roadhouse in Columbus. Ten percent of food purchases will go towards defraying the cost for this summer’s science educational trip to Chicago.  See Brian Schultz for flyers for this event.

AN ALUMINUM CAN DRIVE will be held Friday-Sunday, May 18-20.  A trailer will be parked on the school grounds to receive items.

MRS. KAREN KRUGER, longtime preschool teacher at St. Paul (Clifty) Lutheran Early Childhood Ministry, will be retiring at the end of this school year.  Karen has served as a teacher in the LCMS for over 50 years.  In thanks to God, St. Paul will be recognizing Karen’s work in the preschool at the 8:00 a.m. worship service on May 20.  Everyone is invite to join them in worship and for fellowship and a short program following the service.

THE MICHAEL D. HEALY Memorial Ride will be held Saturday, May 19, at Celebrations in Seymour.  Motorcycle registration begins at 11:30 a.m., with the ride starting at 12:30 p.m.  Not a rider?  No problem!  There will also be a dinner, live DJ, dancing, raffles, and a silent auction after the ride.  Event doors will open at 5:00 p.m., with the dinner at 6:00 p.m. and must at 7:00 p.m.  All proceeds go to the Michael D. Healy Endowment Fund, which supports Christian education assistance for students at Trinity Lutheran High School.

POSITION AVAILABLE: St. John’s Lutheran School, Sauer’s, is accepting applications to fill the position of 5th-8th grade language arts/social studies teacher for the 2018-2019 school year.  A job description is available upon request. Questions and resumes may be submitted to Principal Jon Baumgartel,  1058 S. Co. Rd. 460 E. Seymour, IN  47274 or

“For this is the love of God that we keep his commandments.  And his commandments are not burdensome.” God’s commandments are not burdensome, but that’s only true for Christians precisely because we know that we are not saved by our keeping of the Law.  We are saved by grace.  Therefore we are set free by grace to walk in newness of life, to grow in faithfulness, and rejoice in the Law of the Lord: for the love of God is that we keep His commandments.