Monday, October 23, 2017

October 22 Weekly News

WE REJOICE WITH Dalton & Hannah Thompson as they bring their son, MAVERICK SCOTT, to be baptized.  Maverick’s sponsors are his uncles, Sean Mensendiek and Kaleb Thompson.  God’s blessings to you, Maverick!

PIE SUNDAY: Pie sheets are being handed to all worshipers today.  Please complete this pie sheet (you may also color it if you like!) and return it so it can be posted on the windows in the narthex.  A Christian Growth Card is also being given to each family of our congregation and is intended to help each family sit down and consider what gifts God has given to them and what they are doing with those gifts.  These will then be put into sealed envelopes to be put in a basket in the church on November 12.  Next year they will be mailed back to each family so that each family can see how they did with the goals that they set. 

SHARE YOUR GERMAN/LUTHERAN HERITAGE:  As part of our 500th Anniversary of the Reformation celebration, we would like to have on display items related to our German/Lutheran heritage - German baptismal, wedding, and confirmation certificates, old photos, German books, German Bibles and hymnals, and anything relating to the past.  If you have something that you would like to share, please contact Jean Voelker, Janeen Blomenberg, or Becky THIS WEEK for information cards to go with your items.

PASTOR WHITMORE will be attending the Indiana District Pastors’ Conference in Indianapolis Monday-Wednesday this week

NOVEMBER CALENDAR AND NEWS ITEMS need to be given to Becky by tomorrow.

LADIES AID will meet this Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. for Bible study and their monthly meeting.  Guests are always welcome!

BOARD OF EDUCATION will meet this Thursday at 5:30 p.m.

PLEASE NOTE there will be NO Sunday School and Adult Bible Study next Sunday due to the special Reformation activities planned.  Check out the Reformation Celebration invitation included with today’s bulletin.

BUILDING FUND ENVELOPES are available in the narthex for your remaining pledge/contribution to our “Arise and Build” school expansion project.

“THERE ARE MANY times that we are humbled by the way that the love of God shows itself in our lives through others.  My family and I have been both humbled and grateful for the many blessings that so many of you have showered on us since we have been here at White Creek – for the fruit, the meat, the baby gifts, the cassock and cross, but especially the love that we have known from all of you since we have been here – thank you and God’s blessings as we continue to await the coming of our Lord in His splendor.”  In Christ – Pastor Whitmore & Family

“MANY THANKS TO our church family for all the thoughts, prayers, and words of encouragement given to us before and after Claire’s recent surgery.  With all the prayers, Claire is well on the road to recovery!  God’s blessings to all!”  Love from Kevin, Rachel, Claire, and CJ Kidd.

EVERYONE IS INVITED to the wedding of Claire Perry and Derek Wessel here at St. John’s next Saturday, October 28, at 4:30 p.m. and to the reception following at Chateau de Pique, Seymour.

“LEGACY OF FAITH” is the theme for the 13th Annual Lakeview Dinner Auction, which will be held on Saturday, November 18, at the Primo Banquet Hall & Conference Center in Indianapolis.  Tickets are $50/person or a table of 8 for $400.  Contact the camp office at 812-342-4815 to get information on how to get half price tickets!  All proceeds benefit God’s work being done at Lakeview Ministries.  For more information, call the camp office or email

GERMAN HERITAGE EVENT:  Guest speaker, Ken Selking, will give two presentations about Pastor Wyneken on Sunday, November 12, at St. Paul, Clifty.  Wyneken was a Lutheran pastor in Germany who came to America in 1838 to serve people on the frontier (Indiana).  Mr. Selking will be dressed in period clothing to tell the story of this pioneer religious leader.  He will also talk about the spiritual life of the early German immigrants.  There will be a church service at 8:00 a.m., followed by a coffee hour and the presentation beginning at 9:30 a.m.  The second service will begin at 10:45 a.m., followed by the Girl Scout Chili Cook-off/Lunch at 12:00.  A second presentation will begin at 1:30 p.m.  Everyone is welcome to come for all or part of the day.  Mr. Selking is president of the Friends of Wyneken.  This committee of members of the Indiana German Heritage Society was formed in 2004 to preserve the home of Pastor Wyneken, located near Decatur, Indiana, which will be used as an Educational Center to promote the area’s German-American heritage.  More information can be found at their website,

PASTOR WHITMORE’S SERMONS are now posted on our church’s website,  Please feel free to share!

PIRATES OF PENZANCE will be held at Trinity on November 2, 3, 4, and 5 at 7:00 p.m., with an additional performance on Sunday, the 5th, at 3:00 p.m.  Tickets are $10/person and may be purchased through the Trinity office.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the 2018 Trinity Auction to be held on Saturday, February 24, at Trinity Lutheran High School.

STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK:    Matt. 22:21              
“Then he said to them, ‘Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.’”  So what is Jesus saying?  Doesn’t everything belong to God?  Yes – and God has a place for everything.  Some of what He gives us goes to Caesar.  Some must come back to the work of His Church.  And some goes to support the families He has given us.  All belongs to God – and He has work for us to do with what He has given us in the Home, in the Church, and in Society.