LUTHERAN WITNESS: Persons who would like to order/reorder The Lutheran Witness magazine need to contact Becky in the church office TODAY. Subscription price is $15. Checks should be made payable to our church.
THE LWML MITE BOX will be available in the narthex during the month of October to receive mites. Please note the display which gives information about how these mites are used.
MANY THANKS TO everyone who so generously donated to and supported last Sunday’s bake sale. God bless you all!
OPEN HOUSE: The Vandercars will be hosting an Open House THIS AFTERNOON from 1:00-4:00 PM to gather auction items for Camp Lakeview’s upcoming Dinner Auction. If you have new items, collectibles, antiques, goods or services, handicraft items, or small items that could be included in a gift basket, please consider donating them to this worthy ministry! Come by the house (8088 Lutheran Lake Rd.) anytime that afternoon for food and fellowship! If you would like to donate, but can’t make it to the Open House, contact Dave or Whitney to pick up your items.
CAMP LAKEVIEW DINNER AUCTION: Camp Lakeview’s Annual Dinner Auction will be held Saturday evening, November 19, at the Holiday Inn in Columbus. Attendees and donations are needed to make this event a success. If you would like to reserve a seat or donate items for the auction, please contact Dave or Whitney Vandercar at 812-988-7586 or call Camp Lakeview at 812-342-4815.
TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL’S Drama Department is now selling tickets for their 2011 musical The Sound of Music. The musical will be held November 3-6. Please call the Trinity school office at 812-524-8547 to purchase tickets or for more information.
TICKETS are still available for Basket Bingo Night here at WCLS this coming Friday evening, October 14. Cost is $20 for 20 games. Contact Lisa McGaha (522-8343) or Teresa Williams (342-4776).
ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH, WEGAN, will be sponsoring its October Supper THIS EVENING from 4:00-7:00 PM. Carry-out service is available. Everyone invited.
THE PREGNANCY CARE CENTER will sponsor its Equally Unique Walk for Life next Saturday, October 15, at the East Columbus Christian Church. Registration begins at 9:30 AM, followed by the walk at 10:30 AM. A table has been set up today in the narthex for those who would like to participate and/or sponsor a walker.
OUR YOUTH GROUPS will be sponsoring a Harvest Party on Saturday, October 29, from 6:30-8:30 PM. Featured will be food, games, prizes, and lots of fun! All children are invited, and parents are asked to accompany them and enjoy the evening!
THE YOUTH GROUP of St. Peter, Waymansville, is sponsoring an Outside Basketball Tourney on Saturday, October 29. Cost is $5/person, and tip-off time is 10:00 AM. Teams can be co-ed and will play 5 on 5 (minimum of 5 players/team). Open to all age groups. Each team must have a name. Teams should arrive by 9:30 AM. Deadline to register teams is Saturday, October 22. To register your team, call Adam at 812-498-3056 or A.J. at 812-498-0580. Lunch and drinks will be served throughout the day. Persons are encouraged to bring lawn chairs to sit and cheer on the teams. All proceeds will go toward a community service project. Tourney will be played in the rain, but if questions that day, call Adam or A.J. for details.