Friday, September 30, 2011
bake sale reminder!
Baked goods and monetary donations would be appreciated!
All proceeds will go to Derek & Kristie Wessel to help with expenses as Kristie continues treatment for cancer. (Thrivent will be providing matching funds.)
Contact April May (342-3462) with any questions.
Without blemish
All we know is coal; yet. sometimes we are amazed by grace that shines like a diamond.
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A work of God! |
We hear the words of Jesus: "Forgive them Father."
We cannot fathom the love that spoke such words. Surely, this must be God at work.
We are called to join that work. We are told to do all things "without grumbling," but we find ourselves grumbling all the time. We are not joined in singularity of mind. We do not place others above ourselves. It's just not natural.
It is not natural, to love as God would have us love. Yet we go to God, sinful by nature and unclean. He pours Himself out, forgives, cleanses. He clothes us in His righteousness, and His miraculous love covers us.

Heavenly Father,
Forgive us Lord, and clothe us with Your holiness. Fill us with Your love that feels so unnatural, that we may be healed, and that we may pour your love into the lives of those around us. We are bold to ask for this miracle only in the name of Jesus. Amen
Click here to listen to last Sunday's sermon.
Monday, September 26, 2011
September 25 Weekly News
TODAY’S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given by Fred & Anna Condra to the glory of God in thanksgiving and celebration of their 40th wedding anniversary today. May God grant you many more happy years together, Fred & Anna!
LUTHERAN WITNESS: Persons who would like to order/reorder The Lutheran Witness magazine need to contact Becky in the church office by Sunday, October 9. Subscription price is $15. Checks should be made payable to our church.
SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS are reminded that they will meet THIS EVENING at Papa’s Grill at West Hill at 5:30 PM.
THE BOARD OF EDUCATION will meet TODAY after worship.
OCTOBER CALENDAR/NEWS will be available from the ushers after today’s worship.
QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER ITEMS need to be submitted to Becky by tomorrow.
THE QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING will be held next Sunday, October 2, immediately after church in the Fellowship Room. All confirmed members of our congregation, 18 years and older, are encouraged to attend.
CHURCH COUNCIL MEMBERS are reminded of their meeting this Wednesday evening after worship. Your attendance is very important!
A BAKE SALE will be held after church next Sunday, October 2. Baked goods and monetary donations would be appreciated. All proceeds will go to Derek & Kristie Wessel to help with expenses as Kristie continues treatment for cancer. Thrivent will be providing matching funds. Please make checks payable to White Creek Lutheran School. Contact April May (342-3462) with any questions.
ALL LADIES OF THE CONGREGATION are invited to the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Fall Zone Rally on Saturday, October 8, at Faith Lutheran Church, Columbus. Registration ($5 donation) will begin at 8:30 AM. A salad luncheon will be served. No babysitting will be provided.
BASKET BINGO NIGHT has been set for Friday, October 14. Tickets are now on sale – see any WCLS student or contact the school office. Monetary donations and/or raffle prize donations are also being accepted from individuals and businesses to help defray expenses of the evening. Contact Lisa McGaha (522-8343) or Teresa Williams (342-4776).
DISHES from last week’s Smorgasbord are on the tables outside of the Fellowship Room. Please pick up today.
FRIENDS AND RELATIVES are invited to an Open House for Don & Wilma Claycamp as they celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary at St. Paul’s (Borchers) Fellowship Hall today from 2-4 PM. No gifts, please.