Monday, July 18, 2016

July 17 Weekly News

WE COME IN PRAYER: Heavenly Father, Grant that by Your Spirit we may rest from our labor and receive the blessings of Your Son,    Jesus Christ.  Teach us to gladly hear and learn the truth through the reading and preaching of the scriptures, that we may be thoroughly equipped to live our lives in service to our neighbor.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


THE QUARTERLY VOTERS’ MEETING will be held after worship TODAY.  All confirmed members of our congregation, 18 years and  older, are encouraged to attend.


SENIOR LEAGUE will gather THIS EVENING at 5:30 p.m. at Bob Evans restaurant for supper and then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.  Guests are always welcome to join them!


THE BOARD OF ELDERS will meet this Wednesday evening, July 20, at 8:00 p.m. (after worship).


ANYONE INTERESTED in sharing their musical talents at the upcoming Church Picnic on August 21 by singing or playing an instrument are asked to contact Greg Hercamp at 812-525-7255.


CONGRATULATIONS TO Jeremy Hieston and Megan Deweese on the birth of their daughter, ARLISS JEAN ROSALIE HIESTON, on    Friday, July 8.  Arliss arrived weighing 8 lbs. 13 ozs and measuring 19½ ins.  God’s blessings to them!


ANNIVERSARY DINNER:  The Anniversary Dinner of the CrossLife Ministries Auxiliary will be held tomorrow evening, Monday, July 18,  beginning at 6:30 p.m. at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Dudleytown.  All are invited to enjoy the evening of fellowship and become more familiar with the ministry to individuals, marriages, and families throughout Jackson and Bartholomew counties.  Please bring a covered dish to share.  Drinks and anniversary cake will be provided.

AN EVANGELISM CONFERENCE will be held at Our Shepherd   Lutheran Church in Avon on September 9 and 10 with the theme, “Confessing Christ in a Contrary Culture.”  Rev. Dr. Lawrence R. Rast, Jr., President of Concordia Theological Seminary, will be the keynote speaker.  Cost per person is $45 which includes a dinner on Friday night and lunch on Saturday.  After August 26, registration will be $55 per person.  A conference schedule and registration forms are available in our church office.
THE BOOKMOBILE will be at White Creek tomorrow morning, 9:30-10:30 a.m.