THE CONGREGATION is asked to be seated after the last
hymn today for a presentation about the building expansion approved by the
voters last Sunday.
SUNDAY SCHOOL will begin in 2 weeks, the Sunday
after Labor Day, September 8. Sunday
School teachers and helpers are needed. Teachers
will alternate each month as in previous years.
Our Pre-K children will continue to use the Growing in Christ curriculum
that is set up much like Vacation Bible School.
We need a total of eight teachers per Sunday for this program. Please see superintendant James Rockhill or send him an
email to if you would like to help with this part
of our church's ministry. Children's enrollment
forms are still available in the narthex.
SEPTEMBER CALENDAR AND NEWS will be available from the ushers
after today's worship.
SIGN-UP SHEETS for food donations and help for the
Smorgasbord are in the narthex. Please
consider helping with this annual event with your church family!
A "SECOND TIME AROUND" TABLE will be set up at the Bazaar on
September 21st to sell gently used items (NO clothes). If you have items to include, please contact
Kathryn Taulman (812-405-2774). Persons
are asked to please price their items.
LADIES AID MEMBERS are reminded of their workday/meeting
this Wednesday, August 28, at 9:00 AM in the Fellowship Room. Bible Study and the monthly meeting will
begin at 11:00 AM.
Our school is sponsoring a mum sale to raise funds for students' field
trips and special activities. Order
forms are available in the narthex, or mums may be ordered from any WCLS student
or through the office. All orders with
payments need to be submitted by Wednesday, September 4. Mums will be ready for pick-up on
Friday-Saturday, September 13-14.
AN OPEN HOUSE to honor Pastor Loren Boettcher on
his 80th birthday and 55 years in the ministry will be held on Sunday,
September 1, from 2:00-4:30 PM at Trinity Lutheran Church, 100 N. Frederick
St., Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Greetings
may be sent to Pastor Boettcher at 1419 N. Clark Ave., Cape Girardeau, Missouri
BRICKS: Orders
are now being taken for any new bricks to be laid around the church or in the
memory garden. Cost is $100 per
brick. Please contact Ernie & Donna
Dettmer or Larry & Janice Claycamp if you would like to order. Orders will be taken anytime through Labor