Tuesday, May 26, 2015

May 24 Weekly News

PENTECOST is being observed today.  Pentecost is the commemoration and celebration of the receiving of the Holy Spirit by Jesus' disciples.  On the Day of Pentecost, a violent wind filled the room, and tongues of fire came to rest on each one, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, which gave them the power of communication to tell the world of God's glory.  The gift of the Holy Spirit that was given to all believers on the first Pentecost is also promised and given to all of us and our children so that we can continue to proclaim the Good News.


THE ANNIVERSARY T-SHIRTS that were ordered will be available for pick up today in the Fellowship Room after worship.


THE CHURCH OFFICE will be closed tomorrow in observance of the Memorial Day holiday.  June calendar and news items need to be given to Becky by Tuesday.


LADIES AID MEMBERS are reminded of their Bible study and meeting this Wednesday, May 27, beginning at 9:00 AM.  Guests are always welcome!


EVERYONE IS INVITED to the graduation of our WCLS eighth graders this Thursday evening at 7:00 PM.  Mr. Kyler will be the guest speaker.  A reception and awards presentation will be held in the gym after the graduation service.


MEMORIAL SUNDAY will be held next Sunday, May 31, as part of our 175th celebration.  A video tribute of St. John's members who have served or are currently serving in the military will be presented.  Our founding fathers will be recognized, and a cemetery tour will be conducted. 


CONGREGATIONAL HISTORY:  The altar, pulpit, and lectern are original to the original building of 1862.  In 1867, a pipe organ was installed at a cost of $1179.  Also in 1867, two bells were placed in the tower.  These are the same bells we hear today.  In 1868, the growing congregation required an expansion of the balcony.


LOOKING FOR CONFIRMATION PICTURES:  The deadline for turning in Confirmation pictures will be SUNDAY, JUNE 7. The following Confirmation class pictures are still needed: 2001, 1971,  (professional pictures best for any 1970s pictures) 1951, 1945, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1937, 1938, 1920, and all years prior to 1920 except 1918 and 1919.  The original picture is needed to make a good copy.  If you prefer not to leave your picture(s), please contact Becky in the office to set up a time for Janeen Blomenberg to scan your original picture so you can take it home again.


175TH ANNIVERSARY PLATES:  Anyone who would still like to order a plate may do so by contacting Kyra Bode at 812-390-7571 or kbode43@gmail.com.  Cost is $20/plate. 


REUNION SUNDAY, a part of our 175th anniversary celebration, will be held on June 28.  If you know of any former confirmands, teachers, or pastors who no longer attend St. John's, please invite them to this service.  After worship, there will be light refreshments, and the confirmation class photos that have been collected will be displayed.  Pastor Marcus Jauss will be the guest preacher for this service.


JOAN HERCAMP is now residing at Covered Bridge Healthcare in Seymour.  Cards of encouragement may be sent to her at Covered Bridge Healthcare, 1675 W. Tipton St. Rm. 208, Seymour, IN 47274.  Dick is now residing at the assisted living facility, The Seymour Place, 2288 Nicholas Ct. Rm. 110, Seymour, IN  47274.


"THANK YOU to all my White Creek family and friends for your prayers, cards, visits, and food during my recent surgery and recovery.  God has blessed me with such a caring church family!" - Clara Claycamp


"THANKS TO ALL for the prayers, cards, and visits as I had my recent surgery.  I am at home now and slowly recovering.  Your continued prayers would be much appreciated.  God bless!" - Sue Barkes


GOLF OUTING:  Trinity Lutheran High School will host the 12th Annual Cougar Classic golf outing on Saturday, June 27, at Shadowood Golf Course in Seymour.  Cost per golfer is $60, which includes carts, contests, prizes, and an awards dinner.  Registrations must be received by Wednesday, June 17, online at www.trinitycougars.org or by calling Aaron Rudzinski at 812-524-8547.


MARK YOUR CALENDARS for the Orphan Grain Train Open House on July 26.  Invitations and information are available in the narthex.