Monday, April 22, 2013

April 21 Weekly News

TODAY'S ALTAR FLOWERS have been given in loving memory of Alan Schlehuser in remembrance of his 24th birthday this past Thursday, April 18, by Terry, Ruth, and Betsy Schlehuser.


A SPECIAL VOTERS' MEETING will be held after worship TODAY.  All members are asked to attend this meeting as decisions will be made regarding the direction our congregation will take in making accommodations for our increasing school enrollment.


SENIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS will gather for supper THIS EVENING at 5:30 PM at Bob Evans Restaurant, West Hill, and then return to the Fellowship Room for their monthly meeting and socializing.  Guests are always welcome to join them!


THE JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH will meet THIS EVENING at 7:00 PM.  Those helping with Phil's Friends cards will begin that at 6:00 PM.


PASTOR COOK will begin an adult confirmation class on Wednesday, May 1, after the 7:00 service.  Please contact him or Becky in the church office if you know of someone who might be interested in enrolling.


MAY CALENDAR AND NEWS ITEMS need to be given to Becky by TOMORROW.


LADIES AID MEMBERS are reminded of their workday/meeting this Wednesday, April 24. at 9:00 AM.  Mite boxes will be collected.



THE LWML SPRING RALLY will be held on Saturday, May 4, from 8:30 AM - noon at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Martinsville.  The program topic is "Your Hymnal-Your Prayer Book" by Doris & Dr. Petersen.  A zone registration donation of $5 will be collected at the time of registration.  All ladies invited.


PHIL'S FRIENDS WALK FOR HOPE: White Creek will join with the Phil's Friends Walk for Hope (Chicago) on Saturday, May 11, to raise funds to allow Phil's Friends to continue to bring hope to those who are affected by cancer.  Our Walk will begin here at 11:00 AM.  To register, contact Janet Morey at 812-350-6238 or go online to and join Janet Morey's team, the Kristie's Krew team, or make your own team.  Pledge sheets are available in the narthex and the church office or persons may donate online.  Our parish nurse, Amberly Hoffman, will be offering free blood pressure checks at this walk.


OUR PARISH NURSE,  Amberly Hoffman, would like to start a walking group here at St. John's on Wednesday evenings (late afternoon/early evening before church). Contact Amberly at for questions or to let her know you are interested.  Watch for more details.....


"MANY THANKS TO all for the prayers, cards, and phone calls given for me as I recuperated from my recent surgery.  Your kindnesses were such encouragement to me!  A special thanks to the Guild for the care basket-what a blessing to be remembered by my church family!" - Nancy Dyer


ANNIVERSARY CARD SHOWER: Delores (Dee Enzinger) & Glen Nierman will be celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary next Sunday, April 28.  Congratulations may be sent to them at 4918 South  125 East., Brownstown, IN  47220.


REDS/CARDINALS BASEBALL GAME: A sign-up sheet has been posted on the bulletin board in the front hall of school for those persons who would like to purchase tickets for the August 4 baseball game between the Cincinnati Reds and the St. Louis Cardinals at Cincinnati.  Seventy-five tickets are available-first come, first serve.  Ticket price is $22.50/person.  Deadline to order is Sunday, April 28.  Questions???  Contact Michelle Barnett at 342-3780 or 390-7610.


GOLF SCRAMBLE:  The Youth Group (W.H.A.M.) of St. Peter Lutheran Church, Waymansville, will be sponsoring its 4th annual Golf Scramble on Saturday, May 4, at Hickory Hills Golf Course, Brownstown,  Registration begins at 8:00 AM, with the tourney starting at 9:00 AM.  Cost is $40/person, which includes 18 holes of golf, cart, food, and drink.  Teams are asked to contact Adam at 812-498-3056 or AJ at 812-498-0580.