Monday, May 6, 2013

May 5 Weekly News

A SPECIAL WELCOME TO Mrs. Clow and her family as we celebrate her upcoming retirement with a reception in our school gym TODAY after worship.  Come and greet Mrs. Clow and her family - light refreshments will be served.


PHIL'S FRIENDS CARDS:  Those helping with Phil's Friends cards will begin meet at 6:00 PM this evening.  If you would like to bring a white t-shirt, we will be tie-dyeing shirts for the Phil's Friends Walk next Saturday, May 11.  All those walking are welcome - just bring your own t-shirt!


THE YOUTH GROUPS will meet this evening at 7:00 PM.


GUILD MEMBERS are reminded to meet this Thursday, May 9, at 5:15 PM at Johnny Carino's  restaurant for their supper meeting.


PHIL'S FRIENDS WALK FOR HOPE: White Creek will join with the Phil's Friends Walk for Hope (Chicago) next Saturday, May 11, to raise funds to allow Phil's Friends to continue to bring hope to those who are affected by cancer.  Opening ceremonies acknowledging those with cancer, survivors, and those we miss will begin at 10:45 AM, with the Walk beginning at 11:00 AM.  To register, contact Janet Morey at 812-350-6238 or go online to  Pledge sheets are available in the narthex and the church office or persons may donate online.  If you would like to make a donation, please make payable to Phil's Friends and give to Janet Morey.  Our parish nurse, Amberly Hoffman, will be offering free blood pressure checks at this walk.


TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL will host an Honor's Convocation this Wednesday, May 8, at 7:00 PM.  Everyone is invited to attend to help celebrate the gifts and awards the students have earned throughout the year!


AN LWML INGATHERING will be held at the National LWML Convention June 26 in Pittsburgh including the following items:  all sizes of quilts/blankets, wipes and disposable wipes; babies' kits (receiving blankets, preemie/newborn sleepers, onesies, outfits, and Christian storybook); men's kits (boxers, L-XXXL, t-shirts, L-XXXL, socks, Christian tract or Bible verse); bath kits (towel and washcloth, full size toothpaste and toothbrush, deodorant, bar soap, Christian tract or Bible verse); devotional kits (Bible-NIV or ESV, devotional, journal and pen).  A box will be in our narthex to receive items.


OPEN HOUSE: Summertime is time for CAMP!  You are invited to Camp Lakeview's Annual Open House on Sunday, June 2.  Opening worship will begin at 11:00 AM with guest speaker Rev. Brad Hubbard from St. Mark Lutheran, Battle Creek, MI.  The service will be followed by a delicious picnic lunch and other afternoon activities including tours of the new Lakeview Village Lodge and campsite, canoeing, kayaking, horseback riding, zip-line, swimming, miniature golf, and more.  Come on out and see all the new exciting things growing up at camp.  Everyone is welcome!  For directions or more information, call the camp at 812-342-4815 or visit the website at


VOLUNTEERS ARE STILL NEEDED to help with our pipe organ restoration.  Work begins around 9:00 AM on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at Janeen Blomenberg's garage.  Lots of help is needed and appreciated!


PARISH HALL TOUR:  St. Paul's, Jonesville, has invited us to come and tour their new Parish Hall on Sunday, May 19, at 11:30 AM.  All interested persons invited.


FROM OUR GENERAL FUND TREASURER:  As of May 15, we will have to start borrowing from our savings to meet our obligations.  We have already used our 2013 portion of health savings to meet our April needs. - Mark Buss


AN ALUMINUM CAN DRIVE will be held this Friday-Sunday, May 10-12.  A trailer will be parked on the south side of the church to receive items.  This project is sponsored by our school's WCA.