Monday, June 2, 2014

June 1 Weekly News

TODAY WE REJOICE WITH Luke & Katie Otte as they bring their son, JAMES CAMERON OTTE, to be baptized.  James's sponsors are his uncle, Daniel Fulton, and family friend, Laura Otte.  God's blessings to you, James!


JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH who are planning on attending the outing to Holiday World this Tuesday are reminded to return the signed parent permission form, bring $10 for admission and money for extras, and meet at school at 7:00 AM.


CALENDAR CORRECTION:  Senior League does not meet in June.  Their next regular supper/meeting will be on July 20.


ST. PETER'S, BROWNSTOWN, would like to thank Stephanie Meyer for her hard work and dedication as their preschool teacher.  Stephanie will not be returning to that position this fall, and they would like to wish her a fond farewell and pray that the Lord would be with her in all her future endeavors.


IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH AND SCHOOL in Higginsville, Missouri will be hosting a potluck dinner for Pastor Marcus Jauss on Sunday, June 29, as he celebrates 30 years in the ministry.  Our congregation is invited to join in this celebration by attendance, prayers, cards, etc.  If you would like to send a card to the church, the address is Immanuel Lutheran Church, 15th & Lipper Ave., Higginsville, MO  64037.


REDS/METS BASEBALL GAME: A sign-up sheet has been posted on the bulletin board in the front hall of school for those persons who would like to purchase  tickets for the September 7 baseball game between the Cincinnati Reds and the New York Mets at Cincinnati.  Ticket price is $22.50/person.  Questions???  Contact Michelle  Barnett (342-3780 or 390-7610).  Persons who order tickets are asked to pay for them immediately (checks payable to White Creek Lutheran School) as this has been charged to our school’s credit card.


COUGAR CLASSIC GOLF OUTING:  On Friday, June 20, Trinity Lutheran High School will host the 11th Annual Cougar Classic golf outing at Shadowood Golf Course in Seymour.  Cost is $60/golfer.  Registrations must be received by Wednesday, June 11.  Persons may register online at or by calling Aaron Rudzinski at 812-524-8547.


POSITION AVAILABLE:  St. Paul's, Borchers, is seeking a person interested in a part-time church secretary position.  This position requires knowledge of basic secretarial functions, computer competency, good interpersonal and communication skills, organizational skills, and the ability to keep confidential information.  Specific hours and days can be negotiated.  Questions???  Contact Pastor Stephen Wood at 812-522-7364 or  Resumes should be submitted to Pastor Steve by June 9.